Mistakes 「Skie」

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I slept like a baby that night, although the mattress did make my body quite sore, but I was woken up abruptly by a kick to the lower part of my knee. My eyes shot open to reveal that there was someone else on the mattress with me. Instinct told me to jump away and run, which I attempted but was unable to do so. My foot was pinned down by this person's weight and disabled most movement. My thoughts were jumbled and I couldn't think straight.
I wanted to get away as soon as possible.

That was my only priority.

After I realized that movement was impossible. I cleared my mind and attempted to analyze the situation. I looked downward in attempt to discover the identity of my attacker, which led me to even more panic.
My heart rate slowed,
breathing came to a halt.
I knew who this was.

The girl from before.

The girl from before who intruded into my house and stole my bed was now intruding my personal space! I could feel the warmth of her body on mine and her loose breathing which tickled my neck. This contact between our bodies made me feel so uneasy yet, it calmed me. There was something soothing about waking up to the warmth of another that I had never experienced until now. I was used to accidentally leaving the fan on and waking up cold with a stuffy nose, but discovering this new feeling made me desire it even more. I wanted to be able to feel this more often, this interaction that I had avoided but longed for.

I looked down at her, the one who made me realize what I desired. I wanted to thank her and ask for her name. I hadn't realized that I didn't know her name yet. I hadn't realized a lot of things, actually. Like, how pretty she actually was, and how much I seemed to care for her, and... how close our bodies were. I felt my face become hotter as my cheeks began to turn red. I was so embarrassed. It felt so wrong to feel this way, but I wanted more.

I shifted my body closer to hers without even thinking, my lust taking over. We were so close, our breaths clashing as my nose touched the tip of hers, placing my hand on her warm skin. I felt more alive each time I increased the contact which I made with her, wrapping my arms and legs around her gently, but never being satisfied. I didn't understand what I was missing, I had tried everything I could think of. That's when it hit me.

I gulped, my breathing slowed. I lifted my head gently off the pillow and tilted it to the side. My lips moved closer to hers,

I knew this was what I wanted.

I took a deep breath, placed my hand upon her cheek, and pressed my lips on hers, savoring her sweetness.

This is what I wanted...

I wanted to kiss her.

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