Tomorrow 「Skie」

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After a thorough search of the remaining shelf space, I came across an old diary, filled with childish jokes and everyday events, a faint title scribbled on its cover that was slowly fading. A smile began to grow upon my face as I scanned through her entries, rambling on about friends and cute things. Doodles decorated the sides of pages, flowers and animals mostly. You could clearly tell this was done by a girly preteen, probably from a few years ago.

One section of an entry caught my attention, though, as it seemed her personality changed drastically compared to the others. She began to continuously mention serious topics such as suicide and loneliness, and she started writing more and more each day. There was a guy involved in her life at this point, according to the writing, and he didn't seem to be treating her too nicely. She seemed paranoid, never using his name directly and constantly telling herself he was with someone else.

I sighed, trying to make myself laugh from her dramatic thoughts, but I couldn't help but wonder if she'd become like this again if I were to unintentionally do something. I didn't want to, of course, but I wanted to know if she was still the same person she used to be.

Standing, I placed everything back into its previous position, backing away from the shelf.

"Hey Alex!" I yelled, heading toward the door. "Do we have any paper?"

"Probably?" She muttered back as I entered the living room. "Why?"

"None of your business."

"Well then, missy, calm down. Do you want me to help you find some?"



[A/N]: This chapter is shorter, sorry ;-; I'm trying to find a way to build up what I want to happen and it's hard, so there's probably gonna be a lot of these. also, sorry for any mistakes!

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