Unaware 「Kari」

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Heading towards chemistry, I ran into Mr. Davidson, the assistant chemistry director.
"Hey, Mister teacher guy!" I smiled nervously.
"Davidson." He replied. "Chemistry class?"
"Yeah." I responded. "And tell the head teacher that Skie will be late for class."
"Alrighty then." He smiled. "Reason being?"
"She went with Alex to the principal's office." I replied with a forced smile.
I hated not being able to have my first class with Skie.

I sighed and sat down in the auditorium, next to a kind looking boy, topped with rustled hair. "Hi." I smiled, but was left with not response. He kept his sights forward, staring intently at the teacher. "Today class, we have a new student, a fine young lady." The teacher grinned at me. "Come forward, Miss Kari Overstreet."
I smiled nervously. I hadn't really been called by my last name, since my mother and father never decided which last name to keep. I preferred my mother's last name, Stirling, but my dad's seemed more professional. I walked toward the front of the class, as slowly as I could. I was always uneasy when I had to speak in front of a large group of people.
"H-hi." Dammit. I already stuttered. "My name's Kari. Nice to meet you all."
"Nice work! Now everybody be nice to Kari and help her get to know her way around." The man announced as he tapped his hand on my shoulder. "By the way. Call me Mr. Rogers." He whispered. "Alright." I replied smiling.

Chemistry passed quickly, with no signs of Skie returning any time soon. I was alarmed by the bell that signaled the end of class. I took one last glance at the door and walked out, sighing.
"I don't even know where to go." I mumbled to myself, venturing through the halls. My only priority was to find Skie.

I was drawn towards screaming and fighting down the hall.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

I knew that voice.
It was Skie.

My body began moving on its own, pushing itself to the limit to rush to the source of the voice. I was turning corners I didn't know existed, until I reached the student council room. I clenched my hand onto the door knob, turning it swiftly and using all my weight to push the door open.

My eyes widened as I analyzed what I saw.


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