Speedrun 「Kari」

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I glanced toward the clock, my eyes following the ticking of the sliver-like hand that jolted clockwise every second. Class had started just minutes ago, and I was already sick of it. I was sitting in the sixth seat back, fourth row, and yes, I counted. The eyes of literally every body inside the room were staring into the depths of my soul, like I was the new ginger kid no one wanted to have to talk to. There were a few rumors going around, something about me beating up people and Alex being betrayed, and truthfully, I didn't care. I wanted this class to be over so I could finally meet back in the principal's office and probably be put in a correctional school or something, seeing they seemed to like Alex's story better, in my opinion at least.

I sighed heavily, purposefully trying to get others to realize my state of mind and leave me be, but no...it might as well be National Fucking Pity Party Day. The guy sitting diagonally from my desk was casually turning his head back and looking at me like I was a homeless dog on the side of the road, waiting for a hopeless fate. He'd smile every so often, as if trying to cheer me up, but I would counter his cheeriness with a glare and leave him be.

The seconds seemed like hours, and when I finally was able to leave that hell hole, I was halted by the pulling of my shoulder.

"Hey." He smiled.

It was the guy from before, Dildo McBaggins. I giggled at the thought of that actually being a name. Or maybe it was Bilbo? Nah, I liked Dildo better.

"Hi." I sighed. "What do you want?"

"Just- cheer up." He responded, holding his goofy grin.

"Fuck off." I mumbled. "I'm fine."

"You're obviously not." He retorted, sticking his leg between me and the hall. "Call me if you need to talk."

He handed me a crumpled piece of paper, listing his name and phone number and a little smiley face next to it. Preston, huh. I sighed, crumpled it back up, and shoved it into the side pocket of my bag, moving my hand to signal him to move his leg and proceeding down the hall.

"Thirsty motherfucker." I sighed.


[A/N]: sorry for all the swearing in this chapter, and the stalling >.> I needed to show Kari's pov on the whole events and such and how her personality can change so quickly from being put under pressure. She's very sensitive you know :) What do you think this new 'Preston' guy is trying to do? Is he being nice or is he, like Kari told us, a "thirsty motherfucker"?
Also if you get the reference of "Dildo McBaggins" then you're cool.


I've gotten a few messages from people saying my writing style is odd but cool? If someone would please explain, then that'd be nice :3

Guiltless (Yuri/GirlxGirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon