Poll 「Kari」

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As our teacher finally began class, I seated myself in an empty desk next to Skie. Alex had been forced to sit in the corner, as Skie had ordered me to keep her from taking any seats near her.

"Good afternoon, Class!" The man spoke as he placed himself within the chair behind his desk. "Before we get started with anything, we need to introduce a few new students that have recently enrolled. Now, if the three of you would please step forward."

"Yessir." I replied as I shuffled myself out of my desk, both Skie and Alex doing the same. I was hoping that the teacher-guy would let us keep the seats we had, seeing I wanted to talk to Skie about what Kailee had told me, but I knew that would never happen.

I positioned myself in front of the whiteboard placed on the wall in the front of the room, adjusting my posture to make myself seem comfortable, yet determined and well-mannered. I wanted people to like me right off the bat so I wouldn't have to talk to them for the first time if we ever had to do anything in groups, although I hoped that I could get together with the people I knew if anything.

"Okay, so if each of you would like to introduce yourselves to us, maybe a name, age, and basic interests, nothing too long. Just so we can all get to know you girls."

"A-alright." I stuttered, as I was first in line, something I knew the other two had either planned or unknowingly schemed. "My name is Kari Overstreet. I'm fifteen, and I like- uhh- games..? And food is nice too. I don't really have any big interests yet, so I apologize."

I gained a few chuckles from the group I was facing, which I knew was a good start to giving myself a positive image to my name.

"Okay, good job Kari! Thank you. Now...next?"


[A/N]: 3/3 chaps in one night goodnight goodbye I need to sleep I'm tired RIP my body from exhaustion. Nah jk I slept plenty I just need to sleep cx

Sorry for any mistakes!

Guiltless (Yuri/GirlxGirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora