Lined 「Skie」

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Kari's mother handled the food accordingly, giving us each our packet of fries in the car as every good mother would do for their starving children.

"Thanks." I mumbled through my food-filled mouth, trying to not choke on the abundance of food I had stuffed into my mouth to quench the lingering pain in my stomach.

She just sighed, smiling silently as she turned out of the parking lot and began driving in the direction of the apartment.

Things seemed to be pretty chaotic to me at the moment, so I cherished the silence as a time to look over everything that was happening.

For one, I was going to have to tag along with Alex and Kari to go to an all-girls school, which was sure to be dramatic and...angst-y, I suppose. Secondly, this event occurring caused there to be an awkwardness between everyone because of the disagreements that sprouted from the topic, although everyone knew there was probably no going back. I didn't want to have to live with a mother and daughter who constantly fought, so I would definitely have to try to repair their relationship.

Another thing though, one that I hadn't thought about until this very moment, is the ordeal with Preston. I still wasn't sure of everything going on with him, from how Kari felt about him to how he thought of us as a whole. The conversation on the plane ride seemed pretty decent, sure, but who knew what he was really thinking behind that screen. I knew he hated me from the beginning and just wanted to be able to be alone with Kari, something I surely wouldn't allow, but he didn't seem entirely hostile and seemed to hold back by guarding himself with his words.

He was a coward as his father was, using people for their worth without taking physical action, just playing with emotions as his father had done with my mother. He had done Kari the same way, using her to be a defense and just another person to stumble all over him as he drowned in his desired attention. I knew Kari wasn't attracted to him in the way he wanted her to be, but I still knew they had a close enough bond to be decent friends although the words he had spoken about us had damaged that. She wasn't the type to break a relationship just because of something so small, and she still isn't.

But I still didn't understand one thing out of all of that, the whole situation with our parents and the scandal.

What ever happened to my actual father?


This plot is going nowhere lol
SRY 4 mistakes m80s

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