Confrontation 「Skie」

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Kari's dad soon waddled off to hop in line at Starbucks, teasing us with silly faces as he went. She had seemed troubled since he'd mentioned her mother, which confused me. I thought she had explained to me that they were on good terms, but her reaction seemed to hint the fact to be opposite.

"Who's your mom?" I asked, nudging her arm gently.

"Depends on which one you're talking about." She sighed. "My actual mom, or my dad's significant other?"



"How long has this been going on?"

"A while. My dad never meant any harm by it when he did it, but after seeing how hurt my mom was, I could never look at him the same."

"I thought you said you guys were close?"

"We were. Why do you think I ran away? They were to the point where if they got within a certain distance from each other, my mom would go crazy, and I didn't blame her."

"So who's the 'mom' coming today?"

"Not sure. It'll be a surprise for both of us."

"Ahem!" Alex barged in.

"-all of us. Excuse me."

"It's fine." She smirked.

There was an awkward silence between us after that, glances and glares to each other were all that existed. That was, until Kari noticed her dad returning with our drinks, a younger woman literally falling on him.

"Welp," Kari groaned. "There you go."


[A/N]: .... Wut hapeend? ERMERGERD KARI BECKSTURY OMGEH ILLUMINATI CONFURMD. Yes, my children, it happened. Wut do u tink about dis? Cument and u get cookie o: and huggies to. Yas.

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