Jealousy 「Skie」

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I stretched my arm out, moving the joints in a circular motion to loosen my muscles. We had only been working in the park for half an hour, but my body was already aching in pain, and to top it all off, I was receiving a constant flow of glares from Alex. She probably hates me now, seeing I did do a bit of back stabbing with a dull knife, but I truly don't care. Sure, it might've been a bit harsh to abandon her completely and not back up her semi-truthful story, but I didn't feel like getting another hate train from Kari as a consequence.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my foot, looking down to see Alex stabbing the rubber of my shoe.

"Stop it!" I yelled quietly, kicking the stake away and kicking her in the calf roughly.

"Ow...damn!" She yelled back, a bit louder than what I would've liked.

"You're really loud." I whispered, signaling her to be a bit calmer and hitting her on the head playfully. "Dumbass."

"Aside from that," she started, smiling as she spoke. "Do you see that hottie over there talking to Kari? Total player!"

I turned my head towards her direction, noticing her talking to a taller boy, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans with a beanie hiding his shaggy brown hair. They seemed to be enjoying their conversation, each of them laughing or smiling every once in a while, but it felt so wrong to watch them together like that. Kari hadn't told me about any of her friends that she'd made, nor anything about brothers, so this mystery man made me feel uneasy.

"Looks like somebody has a new boyfriend!" Alex teased, whispering into my ear. "How does that feel, Princess?"

My body shuddered as the words rolled off her lips, chills down my spine and sweat building.

"S-shut up!" I yelled, catching the attention of the whole park, and causing the attention of Kari to alter to us.


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