Numbers 「Skie」

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"Hey, uhh- Mom...I guess..? Can I have your cellphone number just in case we need to call you?" I asked Kari's mother, flicking my phone up from my pocket. Her eyes lit up almost instantly as a cheeky grin grew across her cheeks, allowing me to realize I had made a big mistake.

"Call me that more often, please!" She yelped excitedly. "Give me a second to get it out of my purse."

"One...Mississippi." Kari whispered, using her fingers to count as would a child. "Times up!"

"Not literally." She sighed, pulling the device into her hands and unlocking it. "Show me the number, alright?"

"Here ya go." I lifted the screen up so she could inspect it while struggling to hold Kari back.

"Why don't I get to see it?!" She whined, sporting a pouty expression.

"You don't have a phone."

"I used to!"

"But you don't now."


"We're going now!" I called, nearing the door. "Text me and I'll add you to my contacts that way."

"Okay. You girls have fun!" She yelled back, waving us a swift goodbye.

I gently slammed the door behind us, striding toward the steps reasonably quickly, followed by a complaining Kari and pokerfaced Alex.

"Why does your mom like me so freakin' much?" I mumbled, elbowing Kari in her good shoulder.

"Dunno." She exhaled, glancing up at me. "Why don't you ask her that yourself?"

"Oh, trust me, I plan to."


"Well," I started, swallowing lightly. "She asked for me to."


[A/N]: cACTI

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