Chapter #70

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Jess POV:
Angel is still asleep. I hope she okay. Quinn said she fine It Maybe where she fell and hit her head. Okay. We made it home Maxi pick Angel up and lay her on the couch for right now. We are watching some tv. I turn to look where I hear move meant. I see Angel waking up. I asked how you feeling? Tired and sore. Okay Let me get your shots. One for your headache and the other for your seizures. Tha.... Not again. Quinn come over and help lower her to the floor. Yak timing and Maxi moving the. Table. Angel stops seizing. It was 3 1/2 mins. She sleeps again let give her shots and put her to bed. I'm staying in her room Yak said for the 1st shift then we switch. Like we did before okay. Maxi said he do 2nd the I do 3rd then Quinn dose the last shift. Okay.

Yak POV:
It hurt us to see Angel like this. I stay in her room. I hear her breathing hard. I woke her up and asked asthma attack. She shakes her head yes; I help her use her inhaler. Then help her put her oxygen on. Thank you, Yak. Your Welcome Maxi be here in a few mins. We are taking turns to keep an eye on you. Okay thank you.

Angel POV:
Last night was a long night. I'm staying with Koby and Olay today. They know about my bad night. I hope I have a good day. I am going surfing I told the boys I be careful and both Koby and his wife know what to do if I have a seizure or an asthma attack. Okay Big sis please call one of us or Hoppo if you go to the hospital or home. I will love you little bro.

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