Chapter #175

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Huz POV:
Hi Angel, would you go out with me tonight? Yes, I get off soon I have a Dr appointment today. Okay I pick you up at 7:30. Okay see you. I see her leave. Hey Jess, may I ask your sister hand in marriage?

Jess POV:
Yes, but you need to ask Hoppo and Koby too. Hoppo is like a dad to me and Sunlight and Koby is like another brother. I will. You have my blessing. Just let me know. I will. I give huz my blessing to ask Angel to marry him.

Huz POV:
Hi Hoppo can I ask you a question? Yes, you may. I wanted to ask your Blessing to ask Angel to marry me. Jess said I had to ask you and Koby to. He gave me his blessings. You have my blessing just don't hurt her. I wouldn't hurt her. I when back to work.

Angel POV:
I have cancer that why I so sick. We got it before it too bad. I can't work until it gone. It bones cancer. I start to cry. I went to Hoppo office to tell him.

Hey sweetie how what did the doctor say?

I have stage one bone cancer I can't work anymore until it gone or get bad sick.

Oh no not even in the tower?

Just watching the water and sand n Frist aid. I hope I can beat this.

You can you have all the boys in blue and the Bra boys behind you. I talk to you later.

Bye see you tomorrow morning.

Angel POV:
I went home and got ready for my date with Huz I need to tell the boys tomorrow. It is hard. That why I had the pain in my side a week ago. Huz pick me up and we went to the park and had a picnic. He got on one knee and spoke.

Huz POV:
Sakura Pollock would you do the Honor to be my wife?

Angel POV:
Yes, but I need to tell you that I have cancer. It stages one of bone cancer. I can't work on the water or Sand.

Huz POV:
That okay we will beat this together and with the other boys. We kissed for the first time.

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