chapter #186

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Angel vision
I am walking down the aisle with Hoppo on my right and Koby on my left. We made it to Huz. Hoppo and Jess, both gave me away. We said our Val's and said I do. I pronounce you husband and wife we kiss.

Jess POV:
I woke up and see my sister in a vision. I see her smile and she look at me and said it's a very good one Bro. Hey Koby call and said he and his wife are going to Bondi beach with Dakota this afternoon to show him off to everybody at Bondi.

Angel POV:
Cool lets eat and get Maxi up. We got Maxi up and had breakfast. Let get going. I see I'm at middle flags with H-man and Whippet. I walk down with Buddy as the boys is already down at the flags. Hey boys. Hey sweetie. We got to work.

Middle flags to central:
Angel went in for a kid.

Central to Middle flags:
Copy we have an eye on her.

Jess POV:
I down south with Yak I went in for a teen radio for me please.

South end to Central
Jess going in for a teen.

Central to south end
Copy has an eye on him.

Koby POV:
Me and Olya brought Dakota down at Bondi beach. I knock on the tower door and Flower answer hey we want to bring little Dakota down to meet all of you guys.

Angel POV:
Hey Koby, can I talk to you and Hoppo about something? Yes, you may let go talk to Hoppo.

Angel to Hoppo
Can me and Koby come over to talk to you?

Hoppo to Angel
Copy come on over to my office.

Angel POV:
Hey, I wanted to ask if you and Koby would walk me down the aisle at my wedding? You adopted me and Koby you are like an uncle to me and Jess.

Koby POV:
I am honored to you to pick me to walk you down the aisle. I love to walk you down. I start to cry I'm happy for you to asked me to do it.

Hoppo POV:
I am honored to you to pick me to walk you down the aisle. I love to walk you down. I start to cry I'm happy for you to asked me to do it.

Angel POV:
Thank you both for doing it. The wedding is in September. I going to asked Olya and Emily to by my bridesmaid and maid the Honor. They will be happy to be in the wedding. I'm going back to work.

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