Her name is Callie

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The girl sat down at home and planned something out. It was the day after she spied on the zodiacs. She was sent to find out as much about them as she could. That wasn't a problem since she actually had a crush on two of them.


"Who's that?" asked Pisces who noticed a student standing at the front of the class. She had long black hair.

"The new girl," replied Libra.

The teacher walked in the class. "Okay kids, we have a new student in this class. What's your name?" asked the teacher.

"Who's she calling a kid?" whispered Gemini.

"I'm Callie," lied the girl. Then the teacher continued teaching.

After a while, Scorpio passed a note to Pisces.

That girl is watching us. She has been for the whole class.

How would you know if you weren't watching a pretty girl like her? She looks older than high school age.

She does look older. That's strange. I'm only watching her because I caught her staring at me

"What did you get for the answer... Gemini?" asked the teacher.


"Sixty four," whispered Libra.

"Sixty four!"

"Correct!" The teacher went back to teaching.

"Someone didn't do their homework," teased Libra.

"I had better things to do."

"Like what?"

"Like Aries?" asked Scorpio.

Gemini's face went red. "I didn't mean that! You'll see later."


Aries ran into class."Sorry I'm late!"

"Then you get detention. Just kidding!" said the substitute teacher.

"Where's miss Catheater?" asked Aries.

"She's sick, so I'll be here for the rest of the week. My name is Mrs. Johnson."

"We have a test today," said Capricorn.

Leo groaned. "Did you have to remind her?"

"Oh yeah. This is a very hard test so I'll let you guys use your notes," said the teacher. Everyone's faces lit up.

Leo grinned. "Best. Day. Ever."

The teacher passed out all the tests. "You can also ask your friends for help." Everyone looked at Virgo.

Virgo sighed. "Put your eyes back on your papers and do your own tests."

"Oh yeah. Don't tell your principle about this or I'll get fired," said the teacher.

"We're not going to say a word," promised Aries. Everyone in the class nodded.

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