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The zodiacs were in the living room talking.

"Who wants to play hide and seek?" asked Pisces.

Virgo sighed. "Isn't that a kid game?"

Leo nodded. "We can still play."

"Okay where are we going to play?" asked Capricorn.

"How about the forest?" suggested Cancer.

"I'll pack some snacks." Taurus got up and went to the kitchen. He just wanted to pack himself extra candy.

"Me too." Scorpio followed. He wanted extra candy too.

"Who wants to be the person that finds everyone?" asked Gemini.

"I will," volunteered Pisces.

Aries and Sagittarius started whispering ideas.

Aquarius sighed. "Uh oh. They're planning something."

"Better watch out Pi," said Libra. After Taurus and Scorpio finished packing snacks, everyone drove out to the forest.


Pisces started counting and everyone ran away. After counting to fifty, Pisces looked around for everyone. As she walked she realized how big this forest really was.

Scorpio watched Pisces. He was up in the tree and quietly followed her because Cancer dared him to. He enjoyed it because he felt like a ninja. Occasionally Pisces would turn around but she never saw him. As Pisces was walking she tripped over a piece of string tied around two trees. Aries and Sagittarius were no doubt behind that. As she got up Scorpio fell out of the tree. Pisces turned around and smiled.


Virgo, Taurus and Cancer were walking around. They were talking quietly when they saw Aquarius hiding in some bushes alone.

"You guys go on, I'll hide with Aqua so she doesn't have to be alone," whispered Cancer. Then he walked over to her.

Virgo and Taurus kept walking.

"I'm starting to get hungry." Taurus's stomach growled.

"Me too. Want to sneak back to the car with the food in it?" asked Virgo.


After a few minutes of walking Virgo and Taurus snuck back to the car, and got a sandwich each.

"These are good," smiled Virgo.

"Yeah. I made them just the way you like them."

"You remembered my favourite type of sandwich?"

"I remember a lot more too." Virgo and Taurus put the food back in the car.

"Enjoy your sandwiches?" asked Pisces.

"She's here!" screamed Taurus.

"I'm here too," muttered Scorpio.

Pisces grinned. "I found you both."

"Let's go find the others," said Virgo.


Cancer walked over to Aquarius. "Hi."

Aquarius jumped. "You scared me."

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