Chapter 1

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Andrea Herrera, called Andy by all, was a firefighter from station 19 headed by his father Pruitt Herrera. Andy has always been a great firefighter and her dream was to take over from her father and become the next 19 captain as soon as he retired.

Since school, she had been engaged to her best friend Ryan Tanner. Although there were many years in which they were together, in the last period he no longer supported her career in the fire department. Andy wanted to become a lieutenant and for this reason there were many discussions between the two. After each argument Andy wondered why she was still with him. Was she still with him for love or was she with him because she didn't want to be alone? Or was she only staying with him for sex? After yet another discussion she had come to the conclusion that she was with him only for sex, there was no other reason and for the moment it was still okay.

After she became a lieutenant, Ryan proposed that she go with him to San Diego. He was about to move there because he had vacated a place to become a detective and he had accepted. Andy did not accept him proposal, her dream was to command station 19 as her father and for another series of reasons.

On the other side of town was Robert Sullivan, Lieutenant of Station 88. He was married to his wife Claire and they had a beautiful 4-year-old daughter named Isabel.

They were a happy family and whenever Robert had the afternoon shift, they all spent the morning playing together in the park. While Isabel played, Claire and Robert talked about their future plans and planned to expand the family. And like every morning she spent in the park with his family, she was always late for work. The Captain of Station 88 was Lucas Ripley and Robert's best friend, but that never allowed him to be scolded for his constant delays. When they were in front of the whole team he had to be his Captain, but when they were alone they were just two good friends.

It was a hot July day, Andy and Ryan were sitting at a bar talking about their future before Andy started to shift.

Ryan: "Why don't you want to come with me to San Diego?"

Andy: "You know why. You know that becoming a firefighter has always been my dream, to become a Captain and take my father's place, that's what I want to do in my life "

Ryan: "But you might be happy in San Diego too"

Andy: "I'll never be happy in a place I don't want to be"

Ryan: "I'll be there with you"

Andy: "You'll be there just like you've been doing these last few months.." she said sarcastically.

Ryan: "What do you mean?"

Andy: "You're hardly ever here lately and when we're together we fight, have sex and then start fighting again"

Ryan: "But you like all of this"

Andy: "No. I hate arguing with you, I just like having sex. I don't know if we can continue to go on like this, not now since.."

Ryan: "Seeing what..?"

Andy: "Since I'm pregnant Ryan"

A few blocks from them was Robert and his family who were having fun before Robert's shift started. Robert was once again late for his shift and Ripley had called him into his office.

Ripley: "Why were you late today too?"

Robert: "You know that when I'm with my women, time passes quickly and I don't realize it"

Ripley: "I'll have to give you a new watch that warns you not to be late!" he said jokingly.

Robert: "This morning we talked about having another baby, Isabel is growing up and it would be nice if she had a brother or a sister"

Ripley: "It's great news. Will I become an uncle again?"

Robert: "Probably yes" he said smiling.

Ripley: "I'm happy for you, but now it's time to go back to work"

Robert: "Under your orders Captain!"

As Robert was leaving the Captain's office, the alarm went off, he had immediately recognized the place of the accident and when they arrived he could not believe what he was seeing..

What at first seemed to be a beautiful day full of good news was about to change Andy and Robert's life forever..

Chapter 2 will be released in 2 days ;)

This chapter is just an introduction to the story, the next chapters will be much longer. My friend and I are having a lot of fun writing this story, we hope you like it too. ❤

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