Chapter 148

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After the umpteenth time that Andy had seen her husband leave the house in a suspicious manner, she decided to follow him. Robert, once he left the house, had taken some things that he had in the car and then went towards the entrance of the house near where the outbuilding was and returned to the property. Andy didn't expect this from her husband and once he opened the door to the outbuilding, she decided to make her presence known.

Andy: "Why are you here?" she asked making Robert scared because he didn't expect his wife to be there.

Robert: "I.." he didn't know what to answer since he had been discovered. "followed me?" Andy nodded.

Andy: "I repeat, what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone? Is there a woman in there?"

Robert: "I'm not waiting for anyone and there's no woman in there. Did you think I was cheating on you?"

Andy: "Yes, that's something I thought about. You've been very mysterious these last few weeks. You left the house without saying anything, you came home and you didn't say goodbye but you went straight to take a shower and you were always very tired. So yes, I thought you were cheating on me" Robert gave a very small laugh.

Robert: "I could never cheat on you, you are the only woman I love" he responded by pulling her wife towards him and then kissing her. "I was only mysterious because I was fixing the annex for Cami and Nico"

Andy: "You're doing what?" she asked incredulously.

Robert: "You understood very well" he replied smiling. "I'm arranging the annex so that it is ready for when they return from holiday"

Andy: "Are you feeling okay?" she asked, laughing.

Robert: "Yes, of course" he replied shaking his head.

Andy: "Wow, I didn't expect all this from you. You who were always jealous, I never thought you would send Cami and Nico to live here"

Robert: "I'm surprised at myself too" they both started laughing. "But it is better for them to live here rather than far from us"

Andy: "Ahhh, now I recognize you" she replied laughing. "What you're doing is very nice" Robert smiled.

Robert: "Do you want to come in and see how I'm finishing up the annex? It's not like it used to be" Andy nodded.

Robert opened the door to the annexe and Andy was pleasantly surprised by the work Robert had done up to that point. Robert had renovated the entire annexe himself and renovated it in such a way that it was perfect for Camilla and Nicolas. Robert knew very well what their children liked and had tried to renovate the annex according to their tastes.

Andy: "Did you do all this by yourself?" Robert nodded.

Robert: "Do you like it?"

Andy: "It's all wonderful" she replied, looking around. "Why didn't you tell me anything about what you were doing?"

Robert: "I wanted to surprise everyone and.." he hugged his wife from behind. "and I'm sorry if you thought I might be seeing another woman, that wasn't my intention"

Andy: "I know" she replied smiling. "Now that I've discovered your secret, can I help you finish fixing things?"

Robert: "Of course" he replied smiling.

Andy: "Now you can stop leaving the house and then coming back to the other side of the garden"

Robert: "It will be easier now" he replied laughing. "I love you osita"

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