Chapter 151

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The next day, when Andy saw Alexander, she wanted to ask her son some things, but she didn't because she had promised Robert and so she was silent. Alexander was happy and after saying hello to his mother he went to look for his father.

Alexander: "Dad, are you working? Am I bothering you?"

Robert: "I'm working, but don't worry, you never disturb me. Everything is fine? Are you ok?"

Alexander: "I'm fine. I just wanted to tell you that you can tell mom to be quiet and that I have been respectful towards Grace and that I have been careful" Robert nodded. "You told her not to tell me anything, right?"

Robert: "Yes. You know how your mother is, she would ask you a lot of embarrassing questions" they both laughed.

Alexander: "So you're sure he won't ask me anything? It's easier to talk about these things with you, I would feel a little embarrassed with her"

Robert: "Don't worry, she won't ask you anything and she won't say anything on this matter. If you don't want to talk about it with her, that's fine, your mother understands" Alexander nodded. "Both you and I are always available to listen to you and talk to you"

Alexander: "I know" he replied smiling. "Thanks dad and.. you should tell mom to come in, I know she's behind the door"

Andy: "I wasn't listening, I swear" she said and then entered Robert's office.

Alexander: "Okay, mom, dad and I will pretend to believe you" he said as Andy approached his son. "I love you mom"

Andy: "I love you too" she replied giving a tender kiss on her son's forehead.

Robert: "How much of our conversation did you hear?" he asked his wife as soon as Alexander left the office.

Andy: "Everything" Robert shook his head. "I was curious, I worry about my baby and.." she said approaching her husband. "ok, I understand if he doesn't want to talk about these things with me, but I'm happy that he at least talks about them with you" Robert nodded.

Robert: "It's happening just like it happened with Cami"

Andy: "Yes, ok, you're right" she replied, giving a tender kiss to her husband.

Robert: "Cami asked me to come with you when she chooses the dress to wear"

Andy: "I think I'm not ready for this moment" Robert gave a very small laugh.

Robert: "Neither of us is ready, she's grown up now, she's married, but despite this, she will always remain my muñequita"

Andy: "For us, our children will always be our little children, right?" Robert nodded.

Robert: "Has Cami already decided when to choose the dress?"

Andy: "Yes. We will go on Saturday. Besides the two of us there will also be Sammy, Vic and Maya. Cami also tried to ask Alexander if she wanted to come, but she said that she will stay at home with Nico. Sammy also tried to say she wanted to stay at home, but she was then convinced to be there"

Robert: "I can only imagine how she was convinced"

Andy: "She wanted many things in exchange, including lots of chocolate and then she was promised that that day she could avoid wearing a dress and that she could choose what to wear"

Robert: "I have a feeling she'll choose to wear one of the football kits" they both laughed.

Andy: "That's what Cami and I thought too, but that's okay"

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