Chapter 14

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Andy, Robert and Camilla were all three in the car together on their way to kindergarten. Camilla was particularly happy that morning because it was the first time that Andy and Robert had accompanied her to kindergarten together. When they left the child in kindergarten, before leaving they spoke with the teacher for the last details for the visit to the station the next day. After the meeting, Andy and Robert headed to the station.

Andy: "I think we should tell the team that Cami calls you dad"

Robert: "Why?"

Andy: "Because I'm very sure that tomorrow when he is at the station he will call you that"

Robert: "If you really want to tell them.."

Andy: "Don't you want to? Are you afraid they will say something?"

Robert: "They are your family and they have known you for many years, it will be strange. What if they don't take it well?"

Andy: "Everything will be fine. Maya and Vic already know this and they will all be happy"

Robert: "Ok"

Arriving at the station Robert was a bit nervous, Andy took his hand and together they joined the others who were having breakfast.

Andy: "Good morning! We have something to tell you" She and Robert were still holding hands.

Travis: "You want to tell us that you are finally together? It was time! You are so cute that you even hold hands"

Robert: "No, we're not together"

Travis: "Oh no? Are you sure? Maya.. Vic.. don't you say anything?"

Maya: "I'm a lost case now"

Andy: "Can I talk or not?" they all nodded. "As you well know, tomorrow Cami's class will come to the station for a visit and.." Robert shook Andy's hand a little tighter. "And you will probably hear Cami calling Robert dad"

Travis: "It's good news.. Dad Robert.. it sounds good. Can we call you daddy?" Robert glared at him. "Ok, I understand, we will not" and everyone laughed.

Ben: "Maya and Vic I guess they already knew since they're not surprised"

Vic: "We know a lot of thing .."

Dean: "I love gossip"

Andy: "No gossip"

Dean: "Too late, you know how we are"

Jack: "Why are you calling him dad and not me or Travis or Dean or Ben?"

Travis putting a hand on Jack's shoulder. "Well.. the answer is simple. They don't love you as you would like, both are in love with that man who, let's face it.. is very attractive. Find another woman, Andy is already committed "

Jack: "But they're not together"

Travis: "If she wanted to be with you she could think about it all these years and yet for her you are just a friend and you will always remain a friend. Those two love each other, they say they are not together but they lie. See how they hold hands and how they look at each other"

Robert: "It's time to get to work!"

Everyone went to do their homework while Andy and Robert stayed there for a moment.

Andy: "I told you it would be fine"

Robert: "You were right"

Andy: "I'm always right"

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