Chapter 140

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Andy and Robert, once they arrived in front of their children's school, waited for Alexander and Samantha to come out and when Samantha came out she was crying and ran to her father who immediately picked her up.

Robert: "Hey, what's going on?" he asked worriedly as he tried to console his daughter, but Samantha wasn't responding. "Do you want to go home and then tell me what happens?" Samantha nodded.

Robert then tried to get Samantha into the back seat next to her brother, but the little girl continued to cry and cling to her father. At that point Robert sat in the rear seats continuing to hold his little girl while Andy drove home.

Robert: "Do you know if anything happened at school?" he asked Alexander.

Alexander: "I don't think so. When I saw her after lunch she was with her classmates and she seemed happy, I don't know what happened"

Robert: "Was Mark with you?" Alexander nodded. "If I find out that he did something to my little girl, he will have to deal with me"

Alexander: "And with me too. Nobody should make my little sister cry" he said, shaking Samantha's hand.

As soon as they arrived home, Camilla and Nicolas saw that Samantha was crying and they too immediately became worried. Camilla tried to ask her sister what happened, but Samantha still wouldn't answer. Every time they asked her if it was Mark's fault that she was that way, she would shake her head because it wasn't Mark's fault. While Robert, Andy and Camilla tried to get Samantha to talk, Alexander and Nicolas went into the kitchen and started preparing a chocolate cake. Since Andy, Camilla and Robert didn't get any answers from Samantha, they decided to stop asking her questions, but continued to cuddle her. Pongo also approached them and Samantha was petting the puppy with one hand. When the chocolate cake was ready later, Alexander put a large slice on a plate and then approached his sister.

Alexander: "Maybe this will make you feel a little better" Samantha nodded and then took the plate with the slice of cake. "Can you tell us what happened? We are all worried"

Samantha: "I don't want to grow up, I want to stay little and always be cuddled by dad, mom and Cami and Nico" she replied and started to cry again.

Robert: "But we will always cuddle you even when you are older. We will all always love you and you will always be our little girl" he said holding her daughter close to him.

Andy: "Dad's right. You will always be our little girl and we will always love you as much as we love you now" she said giving a small and tender kiss on his little girl's forehead. "How did you ever think of this?"

Samantha: "At school they showed us some films where children like me grow up and move away from their family and then spend little time with their family. I don't want all this"

Andy: "That won't happen. Even if you, Alexander and Camilla will one day leave this house, we will always continue to see each other whenever you want. But that moment is still far away"

Samantha: "But Cami and Nico might leave soon, they're big"

Robert: "They're not old enough to leave this house yet, maybe they never will be" everyone laughed a little.

Camilla: "Don't worry, we will stay here for a long time" she replied to her sister and then turned to her father. "Are you still jealous of me and Nico?"

Robert: "I will always be with my children" Camilla smiled.

Samantha: "I love you so much" she said, spreading her arms so everyone could hug each other. "Nico, you too must be part of this hug" Nicolas joined them. "Thank you Nico and Alexander for the chocolate cake"

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