Chapter 26

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The next morning, Camilla woke up and went to her parents' room to wake them up. When she got to them she saw that they were sleeping hugging each other and decided not to wake them up. Without making too much noise, the little girl got on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch cartoons. It had been an hour since Camilla woke up and Andy and Robert were starting to wake up too. Robert was the one who woke up first and to wake Andy he decided to shower her with kisses. Andy slowly began to open her eyes.

Andy: "Good morning. What time is it?"

Robert: "Good morning. I think it's time to get up if we don't want to be late with your father"

Andy: "We'll have to go and wake Cami, but I don't want to get up"

Robert: "I think she's already awake"

Andy: "How do you know?"

Robert: "You hear the noise of the TV"

Andy: "I'm still half asleep, I don't feel anything"

Robert: "I noticed it" he said with a little chuckle. "Get up calmly, in the meantime I'm going to prepare breakfast"

Robert stood up as Andy closed his eyes again. When Robert arrived in the living room he found Camilla on the sofa she was watching cartoons of her while she was hugging the soft toy he had given her.

Robert: "Good morning muñequita"

Camilla: "Good morning dad"

Robert sat on the sofa and picked her up. "Did you sleep well?"

Camilla: "Yes" and she gave him a kiss on her cheek. "When I woke up I came to your room but you were sleeping"

Robert: "Why didn't you wake us up?"

Camilla: "Well.. I had more time to watch TV" she said laughing. "Is mom awake?"

Robert: "She was awake, but I think she went back to sleep" he said shaking his head.

Camilla: "Can we prepare breakfast and take it to bed?"

Robert: "Okay"

Robert and Camilla prepared breakfast together and before bringing it to Andy, Camilla went out into the garden, collected some white daisies and put them in a glass with some water and then brought them to her mother. While Robert was bringing breakfast to their room, Camilla ran to wake her mother.

Camilla: "Mom, wake up!"

Andy: "I'm awake"

Camilla: "No, that's not true. You still have your eyes closed so you are sleeping. Open your eyes, there's a surprise for you"

Andy opened his eyes and Camilla gave her the glass with the freshly picked flowers. "They are beautiful, thank you"

Meanwhile Robert has arrived with breakfast. "You finally woke up"

Camilla: "It's all thanks to me if she woke up" she said with a satisfied expression and Andy and Robert smiled.

They had breakfast in bed and then got ready to go to Pruitt and Reggie. When they arrived, Camilla ran to say hello to her grandfather and Reggie and then they all went into the house. Camilla started talking about the day she spent in the pool and how Robert taught her to swim and float alone. She spoke so fast that at one point Pruitt stopped her to catch her breath. As Camilla kept talking, Andy's phone started ringing, it was Ingrid.

Pruitt: "Who's on the phone?"

Andy: "It's a video call from Robert's mother"

Pruitt: "Answer, I'd like to meet you"

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