Chapter 130

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As happened every day, Nicolas got up early to go to work and then during the course of the day Camilla, Samantha and Alexander went to the park with him. Alexander kept seeing Ashley and whenever Samantha saw them being alone, she would come over to disturb them. Samantha had made an agreement with her mother and in fact Andy left chocolates on the bedside table next to her daughter's bed every morning and then when she came home she helped her with her summer homework. When Samantha was in the park playing soccer, she often hit the ball to throw it in the direction of her brother and Ashley and occasionally hit the girl on the legs. At first, Ashley didn't mind Samantha's behavior, but as the days went by, she became more and more annoyed. Ashley and Alexander tried to get away from Samantha, but the little girl always managed to find them somehow. One day while Ashley was drinking water from her bottle, Samantha pretending she didn't see her, she ran over her and Ashley spilled all the water on herself.

Ashley: "Hey, you did it on purpose"

Samantha: "No, sorry I didn't see you" she replied innocently.

Ashley: "But yes, you saw me"

Samantha: "Hey, you can't blame me if you got all wet, you're very clumsy" she replied laughing. "Next time you should be more careful when you drink"

Ashley: "I have to watch out for you. There is always you in the middle when something happens to me" she replied annoyed.

Samantha: "You can't blame me if something happens to you. Maybe it's fate telling you something" Ashley rolled her eyes.

Not far from them were Nicolas and Camilla who were enjoying the scene.

Nicolas: "That girl is resisting a lot to everything Sammy does to her"

Camilla: "Yeah. I thought by now she'd already escaped and I'm afraid of what Sammy might still do to her" Nicolas laughed.

Nicolas: "I fear the worst is yet to come" Camilla nodded.

Camilla: "And my mother will continue to give Sammy whatever she asks for until Ashley lets my brother be. It's a behavior I've always expected from my father, but I didn't think my mother could do it too"

Nicolas: "Behavior like this was predictable from her too"

Camilla: "I'm a little sorry for that girl, but maybe my mother is right" Nicolas nodded.

Ashley and Samantha continued to argue and then at one point Alexander intervened and at that point Samantha approached her sister and Nicolas. Samantha didn't take very well to being estranged and so she started thinking of something to make Ashley escape forever. Samantha was sitting at a table and was very quiet which made both Camilla and Nicolas suspicious. He took a fruit juice for the little girl and then together with Camilla they approached her.

Nicolas: "I thought you wanted something to drink" he said giving her the fruit juice.

Samantha: "Thank you" she replied smiling.

Camilla: "You are very calm here, what are you thinking about?"

Samantha: "How to get that stupid girl away from my brother for good"

Nicolas: "And what would be the plan?"

Samantha: "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you otherwise I will never be able to implement it"

Camilla: "Just tell me it won't be something dangerous"

Samantha: "Absolutely not, but please, can any of you make the video when she escapes? It will be a lot of fun" she said smiling very slyly. "I've decided to leave them alone for a few days, I'll be very nice to her and then.. then I'll put my evil plan into action" she said, laughing wickedly.

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