Chapter 141

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Ever since Andy and Robert promised Samantha that once a month she would have a day dedicated to her, things started to go better and Samantha started to be a little less clingy with her parents again.

After many months, Nicolas had finally finished his physiotherapy sessions and his leg was back to what it was before the accident. Everyone was really happy that things had gone well and Andy and Robert then threw a little party to announce something important. As happened with every party they organized, this time too they had invited everyone to their house and Robert had bought things to cook on the barbecue. Nobody really knew, except Andy, Robert and Luke, the reason for that party and in fact they were all curious.

Vic: "Did you throw this party to tell us that you're pregnant?" she asked Andy.

Andy: "No way, I'm not pregnant. Wait until everyone arrives and then Robert and I will tell you the reason for this party"

Vic: "You can't even give me a clue?"

Andy: "I can't, otherwise I'd ruin the surprise" Vic snorted.

Vic started writing many messages to the others asking how soon they would arrive because he wanted to know as soon as possible the reason for that party. Everyone told Vic that they would be there very soon, but Vic was actually very impatient and tried to ask Robert. He too, just like his wife, had not told Vic the reason for that party. Once everyone arrived, they all gathered in the garden so that Andy and Robert could finally reveal the reason for the party.

Andy: "Now that you're all here, Robert and I will tell you the reason for this party"

Robert: "As you well know, Nicolas had a bad accident, but finally things went back to the way they were before and.." Andy and Robert looked Nicolas straight in the eyes. "and now we are happy to be able to give Nicolas further good news" Nicolas approached them and then Robert continued speaking. "It was a very difficult time for you, but you were courageous and never gave up in the face of any difficulty and Andy and I are very happy to be able to tell you that you will soon start the fire academy"

Nicolas: "Are you serious?" Andy and Robert nodded.

Andy: "We are very proud of you and we are sure that you will pass the course great"

Nicolas: "Thank you" he replied, hugging both Andy and Robert. "Without you two I don't know if I would have ever made it" Andy held Nicolas a little tighter. "But how can I get into the academy if I haven't submitted the application? I know I should have submitted the application a month ago and I didn't do it because I still wasn't sure I was ready" he said, moving slightly away from Andy and Robert.

Luke: "That's why uncle Luke is here" he said winking at Nicolas as he took a strong elbow in the stomach from his wife. "Andy and Robert believed in you a lot, they were sure that you would get through this period very well and they asked me to submit the application on your behalf"

Nicolas: "You believed it more than me" he said, a little moved. "Thank you for everything you have done for me"

Andy: "We just did what we would have done for any other child of ours" she replied, smiling.

Nicolas then moved away from Andy and Robert to approach Camilla and the two exchanged a tender kiss.

Vic: "Yes, ok, all very nice, but I'm angry with you three, especially with you" she said, pointing her finger at her husband and everyone started laughing. "How could you hide something like that from me?"

Luke: "It wasn't my place to say that" she replied very calmly.

Vic: "Then I'll only be mad at the two of them" she replied, pointing to Andy and Robert.

The choice of the heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora