Chapter 125

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Camilla, while Nicolas hugged her, said something that left the boy speechless.

Camilla: "Nico, I love you" she said cuddling up to Nico.

Nicolas: "Did I hear you right?"

Camilla: "Yes, you heard very well. I love you" she said turning to him.

Nicolas: "I love you too Cami" he replied smiling and then giving her a tender kiss.

Camilla: "Even though we've been apart all these years, I think I've always been in love with you"

Nicolas: "The same goes for me too. You have always been very special to me"

After exchanging a few more kisses, they both fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning Camilla woke up before Nicolas and remained hugging him and as she looked at him, she felt that she felt ready to have her first time with Nicolas. Camilla together with Nicolas felt good, she felt safe and protected and she was sure of what she was thinking. When Nicolas woke up too, they both got out of bed to get ready for school while Andy and Robert woke Samantha and Alexander and then went to prepare breakfast.

Camilla: "Mom, dad, good morning" she said kissing both of her parents on the cheek.

Nicolas: "Good morning" he said smiling.

Robert: "Good morning to both of you"

Andy: "Did you sleep well?" they both nodded.

Camilla: "After school today, can I come to the station to talk to you?" she asked her mother.

Andy: "Yes, sure. Did something happen?"

Camilla: "No, no, but I want to talk to you. Nico can stay with Alexander and Sammy" Andy nodded and then Camilla turned to Nicolas. "Is it okay for you to hang out with Alexander and Sammy this afternoon?"

Nico: "No problem" he replied smiling.

Shortly after, Samantha and Alexander also joined them for breakfast and then Andy and Robert drove everyone to school and then went to the station. Andy understood what her daughter wanted to talk about with her, but for the moment she hasn't said anything to Robert. Since Camilla was going to the station in the afternoon, Andy had asked her husband if she could take the desk shift in the afternoon so that she could be there when her daughter arrived.

Robert: "Of course you can take a desk shift. Is everything okay with Cami? Did something happen?"

Andy: "It's okay and honestly I don't know what you want to talk about with me" she replied lying to her husband.

Robert: "Ok" he replied giving her a kiss.

Andy and Robert got to work and then as soon as the alarm went off for a call, they all left very quickly. That call had been very demanding and had kept the team busy for many hours, in fact when they returned to the station, Camilla had already arrived.

Andy: "Have you been here long?"

Camilla: "No" she replied smiling. "Can we talk or do you have other things to do?"

Andy: "I just have to take a shower, but come with me" she said going to Robert's bunk. "Your dad will shower with the others so we'll be quiet here, ok?" Camilla nodded.

Robert: "I understand, I'll take my things and leave you alone" Camilla and Andy had a little laugh. "See you later" he said, first giving his wife a kiss and then a kiss on the cheek of his daughter.

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