Chapter 133

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It had been two weeks since Nicolas had returned home after the accident and in that time he had gotten used to doing certain things differently. Nicolas didn't really like asking for help because he was afraid of disturbing, but at the beginning he was forced to get help.

Nicolas: "Do you feel ready for your first day at the academy?" he asked Camilla while she was getting ready.

Camilla: "Yes, but I'm also very nervous" Nicolas gave a little laugh. "And I'm sorry you won't be there" she said, moving closer to him.

Nicolas: "Hey, hey, don't worry about me. I will work hard to get well so I can enter the academy next year" Camilla nodded. "And don't be too nervous about today, everything will be fine" he said smiling.

Camilla: "I hope so"

Nicolas: "And I'm sure you will be the best in your class" Camilla gave a little laugh.

Camilla: "I love you"

Nicolas: "I love you too" Camilla got even closer to him and then kissed him.

Together they then went to the kitchen where Andy and Robert had just finished preparing breakfast. Camilla printed a kiss on the cheek of her mother and her father and then they started having breakfast together. Samantha and Alexander were still asleep and Andy didn't want to wake them up as those were the last days before school started again. Once they finished breakfast, Camilla gave Nicolas a kiss and then Andy and Robert accompanied their little girl to the academy.

Andy: "Don't worry, everything will be fine" Camilla nodded.

Robert: "I'll pick you up when you finish, ok?"

Camille: "Okay. See you later" she said saying goodbye to her parents and then getting out of the car.

As Camilla walked towards the entrance of the academy, she felt quite nervous, but then once she entered, she started to be slightly less nervous. Each boy and girl had been assigned a locker where they could find their uniforms inside. Once Camilla changed, she and other girls reached the large room where they would soon begin their first day. All the boys and girls were standing in line waiting for the instructors to show up, but the Fire Chief had also shown up that morning, someone Camilla knew really well. Luke went every year to the first day of the academy to be able to wish everyone to start the course to become firefighters in the best way. After the instructors showed up, they started calling the boys and girls to see if everyone was there. When Camilla's turn came, one of the instructors asked her something.

Instructor: "Camilla Sullivan-Herrera.. are you the daughter of Captain Sullivan and Lieutenant Herrera of station 19?"

Camilla: "Yes, sir"

Instructor: "Good. We will expect a lot from you" Camilla nodded and returned to her seat.

After the instructors saw that everyone was present, they started with the first things and only stopped when it was time for lunch. All the boys and girls had now understood who Camilla was and during that lunch, some chat had started. Some kids had heard the story of what had happened to Robert's family in the past and so they started talking about it.

Boy 1: "She's not Robert Sullivan's real daughter. I found out Camilla's real father killed Sullivan's family and then he married Camilla's mother"

Boy 2: "Really? Camilla's father killed her family and he's still with them?" boy 1 nodded.

Boy 1: "It's all true. There are many articles about it on the internet"

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