Chapter 35

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The day after returning to Seattle, Andy, Robert and Camilla, as they had promised, went to the station because they were all curious to know how the trip to Germany had gone. Before going to the station, Robert had put all the presents they had bought into the car and then they left. The little girl was so happy to tell everything she had done and how much she had enjoyed with her cousins and her uncles. When Robert parked the car in front of the station, Camilla was eager to get inside.

Camilla: "Can I get off?"

Robert: "Wait, first I have to take off the seat belts"

Camilla: "I know how to remove them even by myself"

Robert: "I know, but you know you don't have to"

Camilla: "I know, do you take them off?"

Andy was smiling and Robert got out of the car, opened the car door and released the baby. Camilla was setting off running towards the inside of the station.

Robert: "Don't run and be careful on the stairs"

Camilla did not listen to him and continued running, arriving early in the kitchen where the whole team was gathered to wait for them. Robert when he saw that the girl had not listened to him shook his head and noticed that Andy was laughing.

Robert: "It's not funny"

Andy: "Ohhh, it is"

Robert: "I'm just afraid it might get hurt"

Andy: "I know, but there's nothing we can do about it. Shall we go in too?" Robert nodded and hand in hand they entered.

Camilla came in screaming that she was back and everyone turned to her. First, Camilla had gone to greet Maya and Vic and then everyone else.

Maya: "Mom and Dad where are they?"

Camilla: "They are coming, they are so slow. I ran as fast as you Aunt Maya" and she high-fives Maya.

Maya: "What was Germany like? What have you done?"

Camilla: "I met my cousins and many uncles and grandmother's dog. They gave me many, but many games and I also celebrated my birthday with them"

Travis: "I hope he brought me at least one gift, you promised me" they all burst out laughing.

Camilla: "Quiet Uncle Travis, there's a gift for everyone"

Meanwhile Andy and Robert joined them and they seemed very happy and in love more than ever.

Vic: "Welcome, it took you a long time to climb the stairs!"

Camilla: "They don't run as fast as me" she said, proud of herself. "You got the gifts for the uncles, right?"

Robert: "Yes, I'm here in the bag"

Camilla started giving all their gifts which consisted of some particular objects that the girl had chosen and some chocolate. For Uncle Travis there was some extra chocolate since he had promised it to him.

Travis: "You are my favorite niece"

Camilla: "Well.. I'm the only one" then she looked around in search of someone she hadn't seen yet. "Uncle Luke?"

Vic: "He's down in the office"

Robert: "I'll take you to Uncle Luke" the little girl took Robert by the hand and they went to Luke.

Luke was happy to see them and after Camilla gave him her present, Luke told her he was going to marry Vic and if she wanted she could be their little bridesmaid. Camilla was really happy and she started thinking about that day and Luke told her what she will do. While she was talking to Luke, the little girl went from the topic of vacation in Germany to the topic of bridesmaid all of a sudden and was very funny. Luke told Robert that the work on the new house was finished, only some furniture was missing, but since the child wanted all the attention of Uncle Luke, Robert decided to go back to Andy.

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