Chapter 136

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While Camilla continued to go to the academy, Nicolas had started going to the station with Andy and Robert. Most of the time Nicolas was with Robert who taught him many of the things they didn't teach at the academy. Furthermore, every day Nicolas did physiotherapy in the station gym and Robert and Andy had searched for the best physiotherapist in Seattle so that he could best help Nicolas.

Robert: "Do you feel like coming with us when there's a call?"

Nicolas: "I don't think it's appropriate for me to come"

Robert: "Why not? You'll just have to look at how things work. It will be in a simple call and you will always stay next to me"

Nicolas: "And is it possible to do this?"

Robert: "Yes, of course. Just ask Luke for permission. Andy and I have brought Cami with us a few times and everything has always gone well"

Nicolas: "But Cami could walk alone without the help of crutches"

Robert: "Crutches are not a problem. I'll help you get in and out of the truck and you won't have to move much. Certain things, even if I explain them to you, you will certainly understand them better if you look at them yourself"

Nicolas: "Ok, but only if I really won't be a problem for you"

Robert: "You are not a problem for us" he replied smiling. "What time do you have an appointment tomorrow morning to check your leg?"

Nicolas: "At 10:30. I'll take a taxi to the hospital"

Robert: "Absolutely not. I'll take you and Andy will take my place until we get back to the station"

Nicolas: "And can you leave your job like this?"

Robert: "If I have to take one of my children somewhere, yes"

Nicolas: "But I'm not your son"

Robert: "You are too. You are part of this family and for both me and Andy, you are like a son" Nicolas smiled.

Nicolas: "And you are like parents to me" Robert smiled.

Robert: "And as a parent, I'm telling you to go change so you can start your physical therapy session"

Nicolas: "I'll go right away" Robert nodded.

While Nicolas was having his physiotherapy session, the alarm went off so everyone went out while Nicolas remained at the station as had happened other times. While the team was heading to the location of the call, Robert told his wife about the conversation he had had with Nicolas. Andy agreed with Robert to take Nicolas with them on some calls and they agreed that once they returned to the station they would call Luke. For the team, that call wasn't very complicated and they quickly managed to resolve the situation and return to the station. Nicolas, after he finished his physiotherapy session, took a quick shower and then went to Robert's office to continue doing what he was doing before the physiotherapy. While he was busy sorting some papers into some binders, Luke arrived at the station.

Luke: "Good morning Nico, are you here alone?"

Nicolas: "Yes, they all left about two hours ago"

Luke: "And you've been in here this whole time?"

Nicolas: "No, I did physiotherapy first and after taking a shower, I came back here. Robert first explained to me how to sort through all these papers and so I'm continuing to do that" Luke nodded. "But I'm not sure where these should be put" he said, pointing to some papers that he had put aside because he didn't know where to put them.

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