Chapter 71

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The next morning, before Robert took Camilla to kindergarten, he asked Andy if he needed anything and when she said no, he told her he would be back very soon. Andy continued to sleep while Robert took the child to kindergarten. After leaving Camilla in kindergarten, Robert stopped by to get some things to make Andy's breakfast before returning home. When he got home, he went to check on Andy and since she was still sleeping he decided to make breakfast. As soon as he finished preparing breakfast, she put it on a tray and then took it to her room. He placed the tray on Andy's bedside table and then sat down on the bed to wake her up.

Robert: "Hey, osita, it's time to wake up"

Andy: "I don't want to wake up" she said while she still had her eyes closed.

Robert: "Don't you even want to have breakfast?"

Andy: "It depends on what's for breakfast"

Robert: "Open your eyes and you will find out"

Andy: "This thing only works with our daughter, not me" she said continuing to keep her eyes closed.

Robert: "As you want. It will mean that this morning I will eat your sugary cereals"

Andy: "No, those are mine only" she said opening her eyes.

Robert: "You woke up" he said laughing. "But I'm sorry, there aren't your sugary cereals on the tray"

Andy: "You.." she said pointing the finger at Robert. "You tricked me" she kept pouting.

Robert: "It was the only way to make you open your eyes" he replied with a shrug.

Andy: "You're cruel"

Robert: "I woke you up just because you have to eat something, then you can go back to sleep"

Andy: "I don't think I can go back to sleep after having breakfast"

Robert: "And what would you like to do?"

Andy: "Now eat, the scent of the waffles you made is really very inviting and then.. I'll take a shower later"

Robert: "What do you think if instead of a shower I prepare you a nice bath?"

Andy: "Mmmhhh.. I like your idea" she replied, biting into a piece of waffle. "And will you take a bath with me?"

Robert: "If you want, yes.."

Andy: "Of course I want. If you had taken a shower, you should have helped me since I have a sprained ankle, so you will relax with me in the tub"

Robert: "Done deal. After lunch, I'll go get Cami and go shopping with her, okay?"

Andy: "Ok"

Andy and Robert finished breakfast and then Robert, after taking the empty tray back to the kitchen, went to the bathroom and started filling the tub. While the water flowed, he went into the bathroom of the old room to get Andy's favorite bubble bath and then went to pour some into the tub so that foam began to form. When there was enough water in the tub, Robert went to help Andy get out of bed and helped her to the bathroom. Andy hated the fact that he had to ask for help, but between his growing belly and her sprained ankle, she needed help. After they both completely undressed, Robert helped Andy into the tub and then he sat down behind her. Andy leaned on Robert and she relaxed. They both had their hands on Andy's belly and felt the baby move.

Andy: "He's been moving so much lately"

Robert: "I can't wait for her to be born and I hope Cami isn't jealous"

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