Chapter 137

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When Andy, Robert and Nicolas returned home at the end of the shift, Robert was the first to enter and saw something he wasn't ready to see yet. Samantha was sitting on the couch trying to kiss a teddy bear. When Andy saw the scene she started laughing while Robert was shocked.

Robert: "What are you doing?" he asked, approaching his daughter.

Samantha: "I'm trying to kiss this little bear. I have to be prepared when one day I kiss Mark" she replied very calmly while Robert was left speechless. "I asked Cami if I could use Nico to try kissing since the two of them spend a lot of time kissing, but she started screaming like crazy and she told me to use this" she said, pointing to the teddy bear. "But it's full of hair and disgusting. I repeat what I said before, my sister is crazy" Andy and Nicolas were quite amused by that situation, while Robert obviously wasn't.

Robert: "You're still too young to give someone a kiss like Cami and Nico do or like me and mom do"

Samantha: "I know dad. For the moment I will only give you lots of kisses, but on the cheek though. I don't want any kisses like the ones you give your mother because it seems like you want to eat her"

Robert: "I don't want to eat it"

Andy: "Well.. are you really sure about that? You know.. when your face is between my legs.." she said whispering in her husband's ear, but he stopped her in time before she could say anything else.

Robert: "Those are things Sammy shouldn't know" Andy gave a little laugh.

Samantha: "What things shouldn't I know?" she asked curiously.

Andy: "Nothing" Samantha snorted. "Where is your sister?"

Camilla: "I'm here mom" she said reaching her family in the living room. "Has Sammy already told you what he asked me today?" Andy nodded. "My little sister is crazy"

Samantha: "No, you're the crazy one. You're the one who started screaming for no reason"

Camilla: "You asked me to kiss my boyfriend and I would be the crazy one?"

Samantha: "Absolutely yes" Nicolas started laughing, but Camilla glared at him.

Camilla: "No, it's not true"

Samantha: "And yes"

Camilla: "Why do you always want to be right?"

Samantha: "Simple. I'm always right"

Nicolas: "Should we intervene?" he asked Andy as the two girls continued to argue.

Andy: "No, better not to interfere. If they do as always, soon they will hug each other as if nothing had ever happened" Nicolas nodded.

While Camilla and Samantha continued to argue, Alexander also joined his family. Alexander wanted to ask his mother why Camilla and Samantha were arguing, but in the end he wasn't very interested in her and together with Nicolas went into the kitchen to get a small snack.

Alexander: "Since you've been here with us, have you never seen them argue like this?"

Nicolas: "No. Sometimes they argued a bit, but after a few minutes it all ended"

Alexander: "This time too it will end soon. Soon Sammy will tell her sister that she is the best sister in the world, that he loves her so much and blah, blah, blah and then it's all over. Cami falls for it every time and then everything will be as if nothing had happened" Nicolas laughed a little.

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