Chapter 17

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With the explosion that had taken place, part of the roof had also collapsed and Robert had not been able to get out but was crushed under some rubble. Outside Andy collapsed on her knees crying and Jack approached her but Andy pushed him away.

Andy: "Go away, it's all your fault"

Jack: "He told me to go out and I followed orders"

Andy: "You shouldn't have listened to him, you don't leave a fireman alone" Andy got up and started punching Jack in the chest. "You should have been in his place, I can't lose the man I love"

Jack: "I know and I'm sorry, but you won't lose it"

Andy: "Stop staying here and go get it"

Jack: "You know we can't go in right now"

They were all getting closer to Andy.

Andy: "I don't give a damn, I'll go in"

Maya: "Don't be silly. And you.." she turned to the others. "Find a way to enter as soon as possible"

In a short time they managed to get back inside and started looking for Robert. Andy was persuaded to stay outside and paced back and forth listening to the radio waiting for someone to say they found Robert. It was not easy to find him, but when they found him they saw that he had lost consciousness and something had stuck in the lower part of his chest. Trying not to worsen his condition, they took him out and immediately put him in the back of the ambulance. Ben immediately tried to best treat the injuries he had and then left it to Maya and Vic who took him to the hospital. Andy had obviously gone with them and for the duration of the trip she held Robert's hand.

Andy: "Robert please hold on, we can't lose you. I.." She was sobbing. "I love you and I'm sorry it took so long to tell you. You have to be fine so I can tell you every day"

The journey was short and as soon as the doctors took the stretcher with Robert they rushed him to a room to check his injuries. Andy, Maya and Vic were made to sit in the waiting room and in the meantime Vic had called Luke to explain the situation and left immediately for the hospital. The minutes passed but no one gave any news about Robert, they saw many doctors entering that room but no one came out to say something. At one point Meredith went to them asking who Lucas Ripley was.

Meredith: "Who is Lucas Ripley?"

Vic: "Robert's friend and he's on his way"

Andy: "Why do you want to know? How is he?"

Meredith: "I'm sorry Andy, but I can't give you information. I can only give information to the family or to the emergency contact that he is.."

Andy: "It's Luke.."

After a few minutes Luke arrived and Meredith was able to give information about Robert.

Meredith: "Are you Lucas Ripley?" He nodded. "We need your consent to operate him"

Luke: "Yeah sure I'll sign the consent" then turns to Andy. "How is he?"

Andy: "I don't know, they can only talk to you"

Luke: "Why?"

Andy: "You are his emergency contact"

Luke then asks Meredith. "How is he?"

Meredith: "The helmet saved his head even though he has a little swelling in his brain from the blow, he has a compound fracture in his right arm and we will have to have his spleen removed. Hopefully the intervention will last a couple of hours, but I'll say keep you updated"

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