Chapter 104

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In the following days, Andy and Robert worked and when they returned home they tried to organize the party for Alexander in the best possible way, always with the help of Camilla. The night before the boy's birthday, Andy and Robert had decided to let the children sleep with them just like they had with Camilla. The next morning Robert was the first to wake up and Camilla was all curled up against him while Alexander slept in her mother's arms. Without waking the children, Robert touched Andy's arm to wake her up and she opened her eyes.

Robert: "Good morning, osita" he said smiling to his wife.

Andy: "Good morning osito" she replied smiling too.

Robert: "Do you think they'll wake up soon?"

Andy: "Maybe yes. Do you want to wake them up?"

Robert: "Absolutely not. It will be a long day, it is good that they sleep as much as possible"

Andy: "You're right" she replied intertwining her hand with Robert's. "Robert.."

Robert: "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

Andy: "No. Can you take Alexander?"

Robert took the baby trying not to wake him up and Andy ran to the bathroom. Robert settled Alexander neatly on the bed next to his sister and then went to see how his wife was doing. Andy, having vomited, sat on the floor next to the toilet and Robert sat next to her.

Robert: "Do you feel better now?" Andy nodded and Robert held her close.

Andy: "I hate these moments"

Robert: "I know, but I'm always here with you" he replied giving her a kiss on the head. "And soon these moments will pass" he said placing his hand on her belly.

Andy: "Can we stay here a few more minutes?"

Robert: "We'll stay here as long as you want"

Andy and Robert sat on the floor for a few more minutes and then got up. Since the children were still very sound asleep, Andy and Robert decided to take a shower. Andy locked the door while Robert started to run the shower and then undressed. Once both of them were under the hot water, they started kissing very passionately and their hands ran along each other's bodies. Gently Robert pushed Andy against the wall of the shower, lifted her leg resting it against Robert's and he pushed inside her. Robert pushed inside her very slowly, moans of pleasure came out of their mouths and Robert then lifted Andy. She wrapped her legs around Robert's body and his thrusts became more intense. They kept moaning in pleasure and after a few more thrusts from Robert, they both let themselves go in the pleasure of orgasm.

Andy: "Now the day has definitely improved. I love you osito"

Robert: "I love you too osita" he replied kissing her.

After taking a shower, they got dressed and joined their children in bed who were still sleeping. Alexander after a while started to move and woke up. Andy immediately picked up Alexander and showered him with kisses.

Andy: "Happy birthday little man" she said continuing to shower him with kisses and he clapped his hands.

Robert: "Happy birthday" he said taking the baby in his arms to cuddle him.

Alexander: "Mimi" he said pointing to his sister who was still sleeping. "Mimi" he screamed and Camilla started to wake up.

Robert let Alexander go to his sister, and the baby went to hug Camilla. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and also congratulated her little brother.

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