Chapter 85

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At some point during the night, however, Andy received a phone call from Robert and when he answered he only heard the moans of pleasure from two people having sex. Andy was really in disbelief at what she was hearing and didn't even believe that Robert could cheat on Andy the very night before their wedding. Andy ended the call, but then since she couldn't sleep she tried to call Robert, but he didn't answer either her phone calls or her messages. A thousand thoughts were running through Andy's while and she could no longer sleep. It was late at night, but she had to go to Robert to find out if what she had heard earlier was true or not. Andy went into the room where Maya and Vic were and he woke them up.

Maya: "What happens? Why are you awake at this time?" she asked looking at the watch.

Andy: "I think Robert is cheating on me" she said as some tears rolled down her face.

Vic: "It's impossible"

Andy: "I heard it" Maya and Vic looked at Andy very confusedly. "First I got a phone call from Robert and they could hear two people having sex.."

Maya: "And are you really sure it was Robert?"

Andy: "The phone was his, so yes. I have to go to him. Can you check Alexander?"

Vic: "You won't go alone, let me put your shoes on and I'll take you"

Maya: "And I'll check Alexander"

Vic very quickly put on a pair of shoes and then accompanied Andy to Robert. Since Robert was at Vic and Luke's house, she had the house keys but she had forgotten to take them. All the way Andy did nothing but cry and when they got to the door, Andy rang the bell many times until Luke opened the door.

Luke: "What's going on? Why are you here?"

Andy: "Where is he?" she said as her tears continued to fall.

Luke: "He's sleeping"

Andy: "And is he alone or is there someone with him?"

Luke: "Obviously he's alone, why?"

Andy went into the house and went to find Robert.

Luke: "Can you explain to me what's going on?"

Vic: "Andy got a call from Robert's phone and they could hear two people having sex and thought Robert was cheating on her" Luke laughed.

Luke: "It's impossible that Robert can betray Andy"

Vic: "It's the same thing that Maya and I told her"

Meanwhile Andy had found the room where Robert was sleeping.

Andy: "Wake up" she said shaking Robert.

Robert: "Andy? What are you doing here? Are the children okay? You are fine?"

Andy: "The kids are fine, but I'm not. You betrayed me" she said bursting into tears.

Robert: "What? why should I do such a thing? I love you"

Andy: "I heard from you earlier when you called me.."

Robert: "I can swear to you on my life, I have not betrayed you and I have not even phoned you" he said looking for his phone. "And I don't even know what happened to my phone"

Andy: "But I heard right before.."

Robert: "It wasn't me, I could never do that" he said as he pulled Andy to him. "I don't need any other woman in my life because I only love you" he said as he hugged Andy. "Before going to sleep, I only went out to go to Claire and Isabel's cemetery, then I went home and went to sleep"

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