Chapter 121

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As was the case most weekends, Andy, Robert and Alexander sat in the bleachers cheering on the team where Samantha played soccer. Sometimes Camilla went with them too, but now that she was eighteen and she had a boyfriend, she preferred to go out with him even if then when she came home she always asked her little sister how she went to the game. Samantha loved to play soccer and every time she managed to score, she would turn to her family and smile big. Once the match was over, Samantha joined her parents and brother so they could go to lunch. Their tradition was that after every game they all went out to lunch for hamburgers and chips.

Samantha: "Cami will have lunch with us, right?"

Andy: "Yes. She and Leo will join us at the fast food restaurant"

Samantha: "Will he be there too?" she asked rolling her eyes.

Andy: "Yes, isn't that okay?"

Samantha: "No, that boy is stupid, my sister has to find someone smarter" she replied to her mother while Robert let out a little laugh because he agreed with his daughter.

Andy: "Hey, be careful with your words. I've already told you many times not to say that Leo is stupid"

Samantha: "But it's the truth. I don't like that boy"

Robert: "I don't like it either" Andy shook her head.

Andy: "You two must not like her, but Cami must like her" she said and then turned to her husband. "And you'll never like any of Cami's boyfriends"

Robert: "Especially I don't like Leo. Sammy is right, he is very dumb"

Alexander: "Mom, they are right" Andy shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Samantha: "And then he's mean. He doesn't let my sister come to my football matches and he has never given me a present"

Andy: "Why would he give you a present?"

Samantha: "Because I'm the youngest sister and when he's at our house and wants to be quiet with Cami, he should give me a gift so I don't disturb them. Otherwise I'm going to keep making his life hell when he's in our house" Robert and Alexander burst out laughing as Andy tried to stay serious.

Andy: "You two stop laughing" she said turning to Robert and Alexander. "And you try to be nice to Leo, just for once"

Samantha: "She'll only be good if he's nice to me and Alexander at least once" Andy shook her head.

Andy: "Can you just make sure your sister doesn't kick Leo from under the table?"

Alexander: "I'll take care of it mom" Andy nodded. "Don't worry Sammy, I don't like Leo either and I won't tell mum if you kick him. Just don't throw them too hard, ok?" he told his sister after Andy turned to Robert.

Samantha: "Deal" she replied shaking her brother's hand.

After Andy put Samantha's bag in the car, they were ready to leave and go to the fast food restaurant for lunch. As Robert drove to the fast food restaurant, Andy received a text from Camilla advising her that she and Leo had just arrived and had already come in and taken seats for everyone. It didn't take long before they caught up with Camilla and Leo and as soon as they entered the fast food restaurant, Samantha ran to her sister. Camilla sat Samantha next to her and then Camilla asked her how the game went.

Camilla: "Did you win today too?"

Samantha: "Yes and I scored 2 goals" she replied in a rather happy tone of voice. "Too bad you weren't there" she said in a slightly sad tone of voice.

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