Chapter 49

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Andy: "Oh my god, I can't believe it" she said before passing out.

Everyone was very worried about what had just happened and Robert got up and rushed to Andy. Michelle helped Robert lay Andy down, they raised her legs a little and in no time, luckily Andy regained consciousness.

Robert: "Hey, you made me worry" he said as he kissed her on the forehead.

Andy: "I'm fine, I'm sorry" she replied trying to sit up.

Robert: "Don't move, lie down for a moment. Are you sure you're okay?"

Andy: "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. It's just that.."

Robert: "I'm worried. What happen?"

Andy: "I have to talk to Michelle.."

The judge had walked over to see if everything was okay. Andy told the judge that he was fine, but he needed to talk to Michelle urgently. Robert had yet to finish answering the questions and theoretically Michelle had to be present as well as she was his advocate. Robert had nothing to hide and it was no problem for him to keep answering questions. He knew there was something wrong with Andy and if she had asked to speak so urgently with her cousin, there must be a very good reason. Robert asked Ben to check that Andy was okay before she talked to Michelle. While they were out in the courthouse corridor, Robert continued to answer questions Ryan's lawyer was asking. Ben, after making sure Andy was okay, left the two women alone.

Michelle: "What's going on?"

Andy: "Did you hear what Robert said earlier?" Michelle nodded. "That sticker.. that damn green car where he abused me.. it was Ryan's car. I think it was he who killed Claire and Isabel"

Michelle: "Are you really sure? It would take some proofs.."

Andy: "I'm more than sure. That day, is the day I told him I was pregnant and we were in a bar near that park. I remember that he left very angry and.. you have my diary, right?"

Michelle: "The diary is in my car, why?"

Andy: "Go get it, inside there should be a picture of me and Ryan and that fucking green car"

Michelle: "I'm going to get it right away, you wait here and don't move" Andy nodded.

Michelle immediately went to get the diary and in a few minutes she returned to Andy. Together they started leafing through the pages and found the photo that said Andy and you could see very well the sticker that Robert had described not long ago. Andy and Michelle went back inside and Michelle interrupted Robert's interrogation.

Michelle: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's news on Ryan Tanner"

Judge: "And can't you tell them later?"

Andy: "No. That bastard killed Robert's family" Andy said, stepping in and yelling.

Robert looked at Andy with a shocked face and Ryan didn't seem surprised by the discovery. Ryan had researched Robert and discovered that the woman and girl he had run over 5 years ago were his family.

Judge: "Do you have any evidence?"

Michelle: "Yes" she said as she approached.

Robert then got up and everyone thought he was going to beat Ryan, but he didn't. Robert instead went to Andy and he hugged her while she was crying.

Andy: "Robert.. it's all my fault they are gone" she said in a soft whisper.

Robert: "No it's your fault"

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