Chapter 120

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Andy and Robert thought that once Samantha started kindergarten she would calm down a bit, but it didn't. Samantha was always very agitated and she always had her ball-shaped stuffed animal in her hand and she almost never left it. When Samantha came home from kindergarten she always wanted to play in the garden in order to chase her balls and every time she hit something, the little girl screamed goal. But when she Samantha couldn't play outside in the garden, she always kicked her balls in the house and very often broke things. Although Andy and Robert kept trying to get angry with her, in the end they only remained angry for a few minutes because their little girl went to hug them and tell them she loved them so much. Samantha was really smart and she always got what she wanted from everyone. Now that she was a little older when there were football matches on tv, she and her father watched them together and Samantha rejoiced every time someone scored a goal. Samantha cheered even louder when the team she was rooting for her father lost, but then every time after cheering she always went to give her father a kiss on his cheek. Over the years, both Robert and her grandparents and his uncles and aunts had given her various football uniforms from various teams and the little girl always wore them to play in the garden or when she watched games with her father. When Robert and Samantha watched football together, Andy, Camilla and Alexander managed to have some quiet time together and did things they never got around to when Samantha was with them. Alexander was learning to read and so when he was with Camilla and his mother, the child was calm and always tried to read little stories with them. Camilla, while her little brother trained to read, did the homework they gave her at school. Once both of them were done doing their thing, they would hang out with Andy and have a lot of fun together. Alexander, since he really liked swimming, had started taking a swimming course and went to the pool every week to train. During the weekend he had also started doing some races and both his parents, his grandparents and his sisters always went to see him and cheered on him. Sometimes he managed to win and he was super happy, but Alexander was also happy when he didn't win because he always said that he really enjoyed swimming.

One day while Samantha was playing ball at home she broke a vase containing flowers and the little girl went to hide in her sister's room pretending to play with her. When Andy noticed the broken vase she called her daughter.

Andy: "Samantha Sullivan Herrera" she shouted. "Come into the living room right away" she kept yelling.

Samantha: "Oh, oh, mom noticed what I did" she said while Camilla let out a small laugh.

Camilla: "What did you do this time?"

Samantha: "I'm nothing. It was the ball that hit the vase with the flowers" she said innocently as her mother kept calling her.

Camilla: "You have to go to her otherwise she won't stop screaming"

Samantha: "Are you coming with me?" she asked reaching out her hand to her sister.

Camilla: "Yes, of course, let's go" she replied taking her little sister's hand and then they went to their mother.

Samantha: "Mommy, did you call me?"

Andy: "Yes. Did you break the vase with the flowers?" she asked even though she knew perfectly well what the answer was.

Samantha: "Nooo, it wasn't me, it was the ball" she replied with a shrug.

Andy: "And the ball flew into the bowl by itself?"

Samantha: "Of course yes" both Andy and Camilla were holding back laughter especially Andy because he had to play the part of the one that should be angry.

Andy: "You know that the ball doesn't move by itself?"

Samantha: "I know, but I didn't tell the ball to go against the vase and break it. The ball did it all by itself. You have to rumble the ball, not me"

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