Chapter 72

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During the course of the morning, Andy and Robert, as she was forced not to move due to her sprained ankle, had begun to choose a crib for Alexander and some furniture to put in his room. Then in the afternoon Robert would go to the shop with Camilla to buy other things besides paint to paint the walls.

Robert: "So the crib is the one we will put next to our bed, while the cot is the one I will have to assemble to put in your room?"

Andy: "Exactly"

Robert: "And do we already have to buy it now? It's not early?"

Andy: "It's early, but at least the room will be ready, otherwise an empty part will remain"

Robert: "You're right. I will choose the toys to attach to the cradle later with Cami, okay with you?"

Andy: "That's fine" she replied smiling. "So are you going to leave me alone in the house all afternoon?"

Robert: "We'll do it very soon"

Andy: "Only if you agree to buy everything Cami chooses and we both know you can't say no to our daughter"

Robert: "There is also someone else to whom I never say no.." he replied looking at Andy.

Andy: "And who would this person be?" she asked vaguely.

Robert: "She's a wonderful person" he replied giving her a kiss. "She's a person who is pregnant right now" he continued and then gave her another kiss. "She's a person who has pretty weird cravings" he gave her another kiss. "She's a person who loves chocolates filled with mint cream and he's the person I love very much" he gave her one last kiss. "Do you know her by chance?"

Andy: "If you give me another kiss, maybe I could tell you who she is" Robert kissed her. "Mmmhhh.. I think it could be me"

Robert: "Ohhh, surely it's you" he replied smiling.

Andy: "And I love you very much too" she replied placing a hand on Robert's cheek and then try again to make contact with their lips. "Robert.. I'm hungry"

Robert: "This is not new" he replied laughing. "What do you want?"

Andy: "Something sweet. Actually no, something salty and my sugary cereals, indeed only cereals. Or.." and she started to cry.

Robert: "Why are you crying now? I'll bring you everything you want"

Andy: "It's your fault I cry"

Robert: "My fault?"

Andy: "Yeah, I didn't get pregnant doing things by myself" she replied in an angry tone.

Robert: "Ok, ok, I understand, no more questions. I'm going to get you some food, okay?" Andy nodded.

Robert went to get some food for Andy and then came back to her. Andy didn't really know what she wanted so she started eating a little bit of everything. In addition, Robert had also prepared a smoothie because he knew that that would be the only thing that would not make her feel bad. In the last period it had always been like this, Andy ate because of cravings or hunger and then he was a little sick, but the only thing that didn't make her feel that way was Robert's smoothies.

Andy: "Thank you and sorry first"

Robert: "You don't have to apologize, it's okay"

Andy: "I know I'm pretty unbearable lately"

Robert: "You don't have to worry, it's normal in your condition" he replied softly.

Andy: "You really have a lot of patience with me"

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