Chapter 77

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Alexander woke up very often during the night and Camilla at one point wanted to go to sleep in her room because she couldn't sleep well as her little brother woke up many times. Andy was nursing Alexander while Robert took Camilla to her room and stayed with her until she fell asleep again and then he went back to Andy.

Robert: "I imagined that Cami would go back to sleep in her room"

Andy: "I thought so too, but it was nice to see you together last night" she said looking at Robert as Alexander was latching on to her breast to eat. "I could not resist and I took some photos too" she continued to say smiling sweetly as Robert took the phone to look at the photos.

Robert: "Our children are really beautiful" he replied as he looked at the photo smiling. "In the next few days it would be nice to take a photo of all four together"

Andy: "We will definitely do it and get ready to take a lot of photos in the coming months, Cami wants to make an album for Alexander like I did with her in her first year of life"

Robert: "Are you referring to that album you showed me?" Andy nodded.

Andy: "Cami already has the photo in mind as it should be when Alexander turns one month old" she said with a little laugh. "I think you already have the next ones in mind too, though"

Robert: "It's nice to see that she is happy to have a little brother and that she is not jealous"

Andy: "It was something I was afraid of. We have always been alone, always me and her and my father, but then you came and made us very happy"

Robert: "And you made me happy" he replied approaching Andy to give her a kiss. "He fell asleep while he is still eating"

Andy: "He's so cute" she replied with a yawn.

Robert: "As soon as you finish eating you should rest a bit before he wakes up again"

Andy: "I will. I hope that soon I will have more milk so to use the breast pump and stock up at least at night every now and then you could feed him yourself. As long as you want to do it" she said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Robert: "I would do it right now, but you know.. I don't produce milk" he replied with a very small laugh. "I always told you that I would help you in everything and as long as I stay at home with you, I will let you rest as much as possible"

Andy: "I know, but I was joking before"

Robert: "I don't. I am serious when I tell you that I will let you rest to take care of our baby and remember that you are no longer alone"

Andy: "I know. I love you osito"

Robert: "I love you too osita"

Alexander was done eating and Andy passed it to Robert so she could rearrange her pajama top. After Robert cuddled the baby for a few minutes she placed him in her crib, then hugged Andy and they both fell asleep until Alexander woke up again. The next morning, when Camilla woke up, she had breakfast with her dad and then got ready to go to kindergarten. Before leaving the house, Camilla went to kiss her mother and her little brother and then Robert took her to kindergarten. During the morning Ingrid and Pruitt spent some time with Alexander in order to let Andy rest a little because she looked visibly tired. Then in the afternoon when Camilla got home she told her grandparents her day and then she spent the rest of the day with her little brother and her parents.

In the days and weeks that followed, as Robert would be home from work for a while, Andy would take advantage of his presence at home to organize the last few things for the wedding.

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