Chapter 98

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During the night Andy had woken up many times because she felt nauseous and every time Robert was beside her. During the moments when Andy slept, Robert continued to stay awake because Alexander was not sleeping much because of a tooth that was coming through. The next morning when Andy woke up she was very hungry and as she noticed Robert was sleeping she got up quietly and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Camilla woke up after a few minutes and joined her mother in the kitchen.

Camilla: "Mommy, good morning"

Andy: "Good morning darling"

Camilla: "Is dad awake yet? And my little brother?"

Andy: "They're still sleeping, but if you want you can go and check on them, but without waking them up" Camilla nodded.

While Andy continued to prepare breakfast, Camilla went to her father and expected to find him still sleeping, but it did not. Robert had woken up when Andy got out of bed and Alexander was waking up. Camilla approached the bed very silently and when she came near her father, he turned around.

Robert: "Good morning muñequita"

Camilla: "Good morning dad. Did I wake you up?"

Robert: "No" he replied smiling. "When your mother got up, Alexander started waking up and I woke up too"

Camilla: "Oh, okay. Can I also come to bed with you and my little brother?"

Robert: "Sure, come" he replied, moving the blankets so that Camilla could snuggle up to her father. "Does mom know you're awake?"

Camille: "Yes. She is preparing breakfast"

Robert: "So we'll go to her in a bit, ok?" the little girl nodded.

Camilla cuddled up to her father, Robert put Alexander on his chest and then hugged both of his sons. Robert loved those little moments with his children and Camilla and Alexander loved cuddling up to him.

Camilla: "Can we go buy a new stuffed animal for my little sister today?"

Robert: "Do you think the baby is a girl?"

Camille: "Yes. I'm a girl, he's a boy so the next baby will be a girl" Robert gave a small laugh.

Robert: "It doesn't work like that. We don't decide whether he will be a girl or a boy"

Camilla: "So how does it work?"

Robert: "Emh.. how about we go to breakfast?"

Camilla: "Ok, but you still have to answer my question"

Robert: "I'll do it when mom is here"

After getting out of bed they joined Andy in the kitchen who was already having breakfast. After Robert prepared Alexander's bottle, he too sat down with his girls to have breakfast.

Camilla: "Now that mum is here too, can you tell me how babies are born? And why is there already another baby in the mother's belly? Alexander is still small. When he was born I was older"

Andy: "Wow, so many questions" she answered her while eating a cookie. "Now let's have breakfast and then Dad and I will answer your questions, ok?"

Camille: "Okay. Can I finish breakfast in front of the tv?"

Andy: "Yes, go ahead"

Camilla took her cup of milk, the biscuits and went to finish having breakfast in front of the tv.

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