Chapter 122

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Camilla was feeling very happy indeed, but one day when she left school she saw a person who she thought she would never see again. This person approached Camilla, but she moved away very quickly and when she got home she threw herself into the arms of her mother.

Andy: "Hey, what's going on?" she asked concerned.

Camilla: "He.. I saw him"

Andy: "Who did you see?" she asked, not understanding who Camilla was referring to.

Camilla: "Him. Nico. When I got out of school he was there"

Nicolas and his mother had moved to another city when he finished kindergarten and, despite the distance, he and Camilla had continued to be friends. At every important festivity they spoke on the phone and then when they grew up they started making video calls almost every day and they always told each other. For Camilla, Nicolas has always been much more than just a friend and with him she always managed to talk about anything, even the most embarrassing ones. When a year ago Nicolas told Camilla that he had a girlfriend, she ended the phone call without saying anything to him because at that moment she felt strange. When he called him back, he blamed Samantha and Nicolas believed it a bit. Camilla had felt jealous, but she couldn't do much since they lived far away and in the end she had also met Nicolas' girlfriend. The story of Nico and this girl, however, did not last long and when Nicolas told Camilla that he had left, she felt very relieved. When Nicolas learned that Camilla had a boyfriend, Leo, he asked her many questions and he wanted to meet him. Even for Nicolas, Camilla was not just a friend, but at the moment, given their distance, they could only be that. Over the years Nicolas had also met Alexander and Samantha and the latter had asked Nicolas many questions. About a week before Nicolas moved back to Seattle with his mom, he told Camilla that he and her mom were moving again, and since he wanted to surprise Camilla, he didn't tell her they were moving back to Seattle.

Andy: "Oh. And what did he tell you?"

Camilla: "Nothing, I ran away"

Andy: "Why did you run away?"

Camilla: "I don't know" she replied with a sigh. "It's just that I didn't expect to see him outside my school and.. mum, you know, Nico has always been more than just a friend to me and.."

Andy: "And when you saw him you didn't know how to react" Camilla nodded. "He didn't tell you that he was coming here?"

Camille: "No. Last time we had a video call he told me that he and his mother were moving again, but I didn't think they would come back here"

Andy: "Maybe she didn't tell you because he wanted to surprise you?"

Camilla: "Maybe it's like you say. What should I do now?"

Andy: "Call him and you can invite him here at home"

Camilla: "Do you remember that Sammy will be home soon?" they both laughed.

Andy: "Right. Then go somewhere together. I'm sure that as soon as you call him, he will answer you" Camilla nodded.

Camilla: "Thank you mom" she replied giving her a kiss on her cheek and then she went to her room.

While Camilla was in her room calling Nicolas, Robert returned home with Alexander and Samantha. The two children greeted their mother and then saw Camilla coming down the stairs and she seemed very happy.

Alexander: "You look very happy today"

Camilla: "I am" she replied with a big smile. "Mom, I'm going to the park, okay? I promise I'll be home before dinner"

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