Chapter 67

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At some point in the night Camilla woke up screaming and Robert and Andy immediately ran to her. Robert approached Camilla to pick her up, but she pushed him away.

Camilla: "I don't want you here with me, you are not my dad" she said crying.

Andy approached her daughter holding her in her arms, while Robert left the room with his heart in pieces. Andy was trying to calm her daughter down, but she wasn't succeeding. The baby kept crying and she wouldn't stop very soon. Robert had sat on the floor outside Camilla's room and was sad. It hurt him to hear his baby cry so hard and he couldn't console her. After a while, Camilla calmed down and Andy tried to talk to her.

Andy: "Tell me what's going on? Why did you tell dad that he's not your dad?"

Camilla: "He is not my dad" she replied with tears in her eyes. "He is only my little brother's dad, but not mine"

Andy: "This is not true. He is also your dad"

Camilla: "He is not my real dad. He wasn't there when I was in your belly and when I was born" she said, starting to cry again.

Andy: "He wasn't there because I didn't know him yet" she replied, stroking the girl's hair. "And it doesn't matter if he didn't see you born and you don't have the same blood, he loves you so much and you are his child. What are you afraid of? That he doesn't love you anymore just because in a few months there will be another baby?" Camilla nodded. "You don't have to worry, Dad will love you as well as Alexander, you are his children and he will love you the same way"

Camilla: "No, I don't believe it"

Andy: "Why not?"

Camilla: "Because when Nico was with us, he always played with him. She loved him more than me"

Andy: "Oh honey, dad doesn't love him anymore, he was just trying to distract him so he wouldn't think his mom wasn't with him. Can we call dad so he tells you how much he loves you?"

Camilla: "No. Can you sleep with me?"

Andy: "Ok. I'll go to my room for a moment and then I'll come back to you, okay?" Camilla nodded and Andy left the girl's room.

Andy knew perfectly well that Robert was going to be out of their little girl's room and She wanted to see how he was, even though it was obvious that Robert was not well at all. Andy saw Robert sitting on the floor, reached out to him and without saying a word they went to their room.

Robert: "How can I make Cami understand that she is my little girl?"

Andy: "I don't know and I don't know why she thinks this now"

Robert: "It hurts me so much to see her so sad and not be able to do anything to make her feel better"

Andy: "I know. He asked me to sleep with her.. is that a problem for you?" Robert shook his head. "I love you"

Robert: "I love you too"

Robert lay down on the bed while Andy went back to Camilla. The little girl snuggled up to her mother putting a hand on Andy's belly and then she fell asleep. Andy also fell asleep pretty quickly, but Robert couldn't sleep. Robert spent the whole night awake thinking about what he could do to make Camilla understand that she was her child and that she loved him very much. He didn't want to do anything but that he could push her away even further, so he decided to behave normally in the hope that the girl would change her mind. During the night he had got up several times and went to check on his girls while they slept. The next morning, Robert was making breakfast when Ingrid and Pruitt arrived.

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