Chapter 74

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Before going to the hospital, Robert had gone to the annex to wake his mother to tell her what was going on. Ingrid and Pruitt then went into the main house so that if Camilla woke up in the night for any reason, they were there. The pains Andy felt were always the same and didn't last long. On their way to the hospital, Andy called Carina and she told her she would be over to them as soon as possible. As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Andy and Robert waited a few minutes for Carina to arrive. When she arrived she took Andy and Robert to a private room so that she could talk to them and check on Andy.

Andy: "I'm sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night, but.."

Carina: "Don't worry, tell me what you feel"

Andy: "I felt severe pain in my lower abdomen and I got scared" she said as she squeezed Robert's hand.

Carina: "You have to be calm, it's alright" he said as he continued to visit her. "That pain you felt are Braxton Hicks contractions, but it's normal"

Robert: "So what happens now?" he asked a little worried.

Carina: "Now it happens that in the next few weeks, Andy.. you have to rest, no stress and you don't have to strain. Braxton Hicks contractions are used to prepare the uterus for childbirth. They may last a few more days, but by following some precautions you could alleviate the disturbance you feel"

Andy: "And what would they be?"

Carina: "Obviously you have to rest and you could try lying on your side, you could take a relaxing bath with warm water or you could relax if someone gave you a massage" she said this last thing looking at Robert.

Robert: "Ok, I get it, I'll give you all the massages you want to make you feel better" he said looking at Andy.

Carina: "And drink lots of liquids, whether it's just water or even a hot drink" Andy nodded.

Andy: "So everything else is okay?"

Carina: "Yes, everything is ok. The baby has put himself in the right position and this time you could have a natural birth, which you could not do with Cami because she was not in the right position"

Andy: "Ok" she replied smiling as now that she knew she was okay she was calmer.

Carina: "Now you can go home, but if you feel more pain or something else, call me immediately"

Robert: "Ok. Thank you"

Andy and Robert came out of the hospital and returned home and as soon as they entered they found Ingrid and Pruitt who were awake and waiting for them. Ingrid and Pruitt had tried to sleep while Andy and Robert returned, but they were worried and couldn't. As soon as they saw them enter the house they breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to know what had happened.

Ingrid: "Are you okay?" she asked Andy.

Andy: "I'm fine" she said as she sat down on the sofa. "The pain I felt is the contractions of Braxton Hicks, Carina said it's normal"

Robert: "And she also told you that you have to rest"

Ingrid: "I'm glad that everything is fine"

Andy: "But you didn't need to wait for us awake"

Pruitt: "We were worried, we couldn't sleep"

Andy: "But now you can go, I'm fine"

Ingrid: "Are you sure?" Andy nodded. "Ok, but we'll be back when Cami wakes up"

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