Chapter 76

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Andy didn't expect to find her entire family when she got home and was pleasantly surprised when she saw them all in front of her.

Andy: "I bet you organized everything" she told Robert.

Robert: "Exactly. I wanted to surprise you and at least in this way everyone will be able to see Alexander more calmly"

Andy: "Thank you" she replied giving him a kiss. "I love you osito"

Robert: "I love you too osita" he replied, returning the kiss. "Go get comfortable on the sofa with the baby" Andy nodded and she went to sit on the sofa.

Andy was on the sofa holding Alexander in her arms and Camilla immediately sat next to her mother and stroked her little brother's little hand. Ingrid approached Andy asking if she needed anything, but she said she was fine. Ingrid and Pruitt left Andy and Robert together with their friends, so much later and in the following days they would always be together and they thought it was okay for them to spend time with their friends.

Camilla: "Mommy, can I hold my little brother in my arms?"

Andy: "Yes, sure"

Camilla sat down on the sofa and Andy put Alexander in her arms.

Travis: "They're so cute together"

Vic: "That's true. How were these days in the hospital?"

Andy: "Quite calm. He was very good and during the night he woke up without crying. I hope it continues like this even now that we are home"

Camilla: "And if he doesn't cry, can he sleep in the room with me?"

Andy: "Now he's too small, but as soon as he grows up a little, yes"

Camilla: "Ok" she replied while she gently stroked her little brother's little hands.

Robert after putting Andy's and Alexander's things in the bedroom went back to the living room and joined everyone else.

Robert: "Thanks everyone for helping me with the surprise for Andy"

Maya: "You don't have to thank us, we had fun organizing everything"

Ben: "Well.. you had a lot of fun since you were giving orders to everyone" he said, causing everyone to laugh.

Maya: "At least in this way you worked without wasting time"

Dean: "I would have preferred to take orders from Cami rather than Maya"

Camilla: "Next time then I'll give the orders, I like to command as my father does when he works"

Vic: "I don't know if Piaggio Maya or Cami imitating Robert giving orders"

Andy: "She is totally the same as her father" she said with a little laugh.

Travis: "There is one thing you haven't told us yet. We all want to know the date of your wedding"

Andy: "It will be in April, a few days after Cami's birthday. In this way she will also celebrate her birthday together with the whole family from Germany"

Travis: "Ohh, it's going to be a very big party, I like parties"

Maya: "What do you still need to organize?"

Robert: "We have to look for a place to sleep our whole family from Germany. It's not easy to find a place for all of them"

Luke: "Some might come and stay at our house" he said looking at Vic.

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