Chapter 57

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When Andy, Robert, Maya and Vic arrived at the station, they went to change so their shift could begin. While Andy was changing she had started yawning and Robert had noticed it.

Robert: "Are you tired?"

Andy: "A little, but I'll be on duty at the desk anyway and I'll be able to rest"

Robert: "Later you could lie down on the bed for a while if you still feel tired"

Andy: "I'll definitely take advantage of it later" she said putting a hand on her stomach. "I always feel so tired, but I'm happy" she said, looking at Robert as she smiled.

Robert: "What can I do to make you feel less tired?" he responded by hugging her from behind her placing his hands on Andy's belly.

Andy: "Nothing, you already do so much for me, but.. maybe tonight you could give me a foot massage.."

Robert: "I'll do whatever you want, just ask" he replied giving her a kiss on the shoulder.

After they finished changing, they joined everyone else and Robert gave the assignments for the day. The shift would last 24 hours and at times when there was nothing to do, everyone would take care of an area of the station to do the cleaning. Each team member had chosen their own area to clean in addition to their own bunk, but Andy had been forbidden to do anything that made her tire further.

Travis: "So she's pregnant and that's why she won't be cleaning?"

Robert: "Exactly"

Travis: "It's not fair"

Andy: "I'd rather clean than sit at my desk all day"

Robert: "You'll help me in the office so you don't get too bored, but no hard work" Andy rolled her eyes. "I do it just for you and also a little bit for all of us, you know.. when you are very tired, well.. we all love you, but you are quite irritable" Andy glared at Robert.

Maya: "And I don't know how, but only he can handle you when you're tired" she said pointing to Robert.

Andy: "He loves me and I'm carrying his baby" she replied with a shrug.

Robert approached Andy. "It's true, I love you so much" he replied and then gave her a tender kiss. "But no more chatting now, it's time to get to work"

Everyone started to do what they had to do, while Andy went to sit at the entrance of the station hoping that at least that day someone would come to help. Robert, to try not to make Andy very bored, shared with her the paperwork that he had to fill out and Andy was happy to help him. They were all busy with their duties when suddenly the alarm went off and they all went out for the call except Andy. Andy was quite tired, she hadn't been able to rest all day, so she asked someone who was at the station to take her place at the reception while she went to rest for a while. Since she and Robert shared a bunk, she went to Robert's office, she closed the blinds so that there was less light and then she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile the team had arrived at the place of the call where the third floor of a six-story building had caught fire. All the people who were on the lower floors with respect to the fire had all managed to evacuate, while those on the upper floors were trapped. As soon as I got off the bus, Robert immediately told everyone what they had to do and to be careful. They had all entered with hoses in order to open a passage to evacuate the people to the upper floors, but the flames were too powerful and could not create the passage. In the back of the building, there was an apartment that hadn't been hit by the flames yet, so Robert said to go, via the external staircase, to the fourth floor to gather all the people there and get them out. After safely placing the ladder, Maya, Jack, Dean, Travis and Vic climbed the ladder to an apartment on the fourth floor and began letting people down. While Jack, Travis and Dean helped the people down, Maya and Vic rounded up the rest of the people on that floor and, being very careful, managed to get everyone to safety. One of the people had said that the apartments on the third floor were empty because they were being renovated and there were certainly flammable substances. When they all returned to try to put out the flames, they realized that in one area there were jars with highly flammable products and near those jars there was a socket with many wires attached. Since many things were attached to that socket, there was probably a short circuit and the sparks that were there ignited the jars next to it and it was for that reason that it had all caught fire. It had taken a few hours before all the flames had been extinguished, but in the end they had succeeded. After securing everything, they went back to the station and they were all pretty tired. As soon as they arrived at the station, they went to take a shower and Robert had said to rest a bit before dinner. When Robert saw his dark office he immediately realized that Andy was resting and entered without making a noise. When he opened the bunk door, he saw Andy sitting on the bed putting her shoes back on.

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