Chapter 100

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Despite Megan having just found out that Andy is Robert's wife, she was still determined to sleep with Robert and would do anything to make it happen. Meanwhile Andy, Robert and Camilla have arrived at the house and when Ingrid and Pruitt saw them, they became concerned.

Pruitt: "What happened? Why are you already home?" he asked concerned.

Andy: "Cami isn't feeling very well and we went to pick her up from school"

Pruitt: "Poor baby. Do you have to go back to the station?"

Andy: "No, Luke told us to stay home until she gets better"

Meanwhile, Robert had put Camilla on the sofa and had covered her in order to check her temperature and then he would take her to her room. Alexander when he saw her sister went to her and leaned his head next to his sister's head.

Alexander: "Mimi" he said softly and Camilla tried to hug her little brother.

Robert: "Andy.. I don't think Alexander should be close to his sister, he could get sick too"

Andy: "We can't separate them. If he too catches a fever, we will cure him too"

Robert: "Ok" he said taking the thermometer and then going to Camilla.

Ingrid: "Do you need anything?"

Andy: "We should go to the pharmacy to get something to bring down Cami's fever"

Ingrid: "Me and Pruitt are going, you stay at home with your kids" Andy nodded. "Is there anything else you need?"

Andy: "I don't know, I think not"

Ingrid: "Ok, ok, don't worry, if something is missing, we'll go out again" Andy nodded and then joined Robert and the kids.

Alexander wanted to be close to his sister so Robert was forced to put him on the sofa with Camilla and they were both under a blanket. Camilla's temperature was still high and they hoped that the temperature might drop soon. Camilla kept complaining of pain in her belly and Robert prepared a hot water bottle for her. When Camilla placed the hot water bottle on her stomach, her belly slowly started to hurt less. Andy and Robert stayed close to their children and when Ingrid and Pruitt came home and Andy gave medicine to Camilla. Robert, after Camilla took the medicine, brought her to her bed so that she could rest more comfortably. Alexander cried because he wanted to be with his sister and Andy took him to her.

Andy: "Does it bother you if Alexander stays here with you?" she asked her daughter as Alexander stood next to her sister.

Camilla: "No, but I feel tired"

Andy: "It's normal for you to feel this way. Now close your eyes and rest. Dad and I will stay here, okay?"

Camilla: "Can you stay next to me too?" she asked her mother.

Andy: "Sure" she replied lying down next to her daughter.

Camilla: "I want dad too"

Robert: "Everybody in the bed doesn't fit, but I'll just sit here, ok?"

Camilla: "Ok" she said cuddling up to her mother and then took the hand of her little brother.

Both Camilla and Alexander fell asleep within minutes and when she saw that her children were sleeping peacefully, she too closed her eyes while Robert stayed awake to monitor the situation. Camilla was very agitated during her nap so Robert took Alexander in his arms and sat back down where he had always held Alexander in his arms and the baby continued to sleep. Alexander when he woke up wanted to go back to his sister, but since she was sleeping peacefully, Robert decided to take him into the living room.

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