Chapter 31

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Andy, Robert and Camilla were at the airport waiting to board when the baby started crying.

Robert: "Why are you crying? Don't you want to leave?"

Camilla: "I want to leave but I forgot my stuffed animal at home" she said with tears in her eyes.

Robert: "Don't cry, what do you say if we go and buy one before we leave?"

Camilla: "Really?"

Andy: "Really? Is it really necessary to buy a new one?" then he turns to the girl. "Can't you wait to get to Grandma's? She surely she will have already taken many from you" the little girl shook her head.

Robert: "The flight will be long, don't you want her to cry all the time?"

Andy: "In this way she will have won it"

Robert: "Only this time, you know that without a stuffed animal he doesn't sleep"

Andy: "Okay"

Camilla stopped crying and together with Robert they went to buy a stuffed animal. The little girl had chosen a bear disguised as a pilot and she was now happy. When they returned to Andy, the little girl showed her the soft toy she had chosen and after a few minutes they were called to get on the plane. They had first class tickets and Camilla, who had never been on a plane, was fascinated by everything she saw. During the trip she Camilla asked Robert many questions about where they were going, she was very curious and he told her everything she wanted to know. Robert had also told her that when they arrived in Germany it would be evening due to the time difference and to Camilla it seemed strange that they were ahead in time and she thought she was going to the future. Andy had taken advantage of the trip to finish reading a book he had started some time ago and had seen a movie. At some point, both she and the baby had fallen asleep, while Robert could not sleep. He was thoughtful, it had been so many years that he hadn't seen his family. When Claire and Isabel were still alive, things with her family were complicated because Claire was very apprehensive and never wanted to make the trip to Germany and avoided any video calls they made. Ingrid also, despite living in Seattle, didn't see Isabel very often and this made her quite sad. Robert knew that Andy was different, he was happy every time they had a video call with Ingrid and that the two of them could hear each other even when he wasn't there. Robert was taken out of his mind when Camilla woke up. Together they watched some cartoons they had on their tablets until it was time to land. Camilla was super agitated and she couldn't wait to get off and hug her grandmother.

Camilla: "How long does it take to get off?"

Robert: "Not much"

Andy: "Remember that when we get off the plane you don't have to leave. You have to stay close to me and dad, okay?"

Camilla: "I remember, you told me many times" she replied rolling her eyes while Robert got a little laugh.

Andy: "Robert.. you look tired, haven't you rested?"

Robert: "I couldn't sleep even a minute, too many thoughts I think"

Andy: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Robert: "Not now, when Camilla won't be there, yes" Andy nodded.

After landing, they got out and Robert took care of getting the bags. Andy and Camilla were waiting for Robert when the little girl saw her grandmother from a distance and wanted to run to her.

Camilla: "Mommy, can I go to my grandmother? She is right there and she is not far from you and dad"

Andy noticed that Ingrid was quite close and approaching them. "You can go"

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