Chapter 38

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Andy and Robert's shift started very early and so Ingrid took care of taking Camilla to kindergarten. As they arrived at the station, Robert realized how shaken Andy still was from the conversation with Michelle. Andy went straight into the locker room to her locker to change, but Robert followed her.

Robert: "What do you think about taking all your stuff and bringing it to my bunk? There is an extra locker and it's free, if you want"

Andy: "Can I really move?"

Robert: "Sure, otherwise I wouldn't have told you. Every time you take your things and come and change with me, so.."

Andy: "Ok. Will you help me get everything?" she said smiling.

Robert: "Of course I help you and.. and I like to see you smile" he smiled too.

Robert and Andy emptied her locker and took everything to Robert's bunk, which has since become their bunk. Andy put all her things in the locker, she even posted photos while Robert changed. As soon as Robert changed he went to sit at his desk and gave Andy time to change and then she joined him.

Robert: "Are you ready to tell Ryan's team?"

Andy: "No, but I have to do it. But.. I don't know, I don't know how to tell him. He may not know where I live now, but I'm sure he remembers that I work here"

Robert: "Hey, I'm here for you, I'll help you if you want" Andy nodded. "How about you go to them? You didn't have breakfast at home and I guess you'll be hungry"

Andy: "I liked more what we did instead of breakfast" she said in a very mischievous tone.

Robert: "And now you need to eat to regain the energy used"

Holding hands they headed upstairs where everyone was already sitting around the table having breakfast together. Andy sat down at the table and Robert made her a cup of milk and brought her her favorite sugary cereals as well.

Andy: "Thanks" she said with a faint smile.

They had all noticed that Andy was weird, usually he was always smiling early in the morning, but this time she looked sad, worried.

Maya: "Andy.. is everything okay?" Andy shook her head and Robert took her hand. "What happen?"

Andy: "He.. he's about to come back and.." she leaned on Robert's arm and he hugged her. "I can't tell" she whispered to Robert.

Robert: "Michelle told us yesterday that Ryan is going back to Seattle. Michelle is following a very sensitive case and Ryan is involved. At the moment we can't tell you what he's involved in, but he has to stay away from all of us and especially my girls" he said as she hugged Andy tighter.

Travis: "Do you already know when he will be back?" Andy shook her head.

Robert: "Certainly not, but you must never enter here"

Dean: "We won't let him in, don't worry"

Ben: Could someone tell me what Ryan looks like? When I arrived at 19 Andy was already pregnant and I've never seen him"

Jack: "There's a picture of him on the wall somewhere, I'll show you later" Ben nodded.

They all finished breakfast without talking about Ryan. Then they all got up to start doing their homework, but Maya, Vic and Andy were still sitting at the table.

Maya: "It's not just because Ryan comes back why you're so worried"

Andy: "You're right, but for now I can't say anything. The only thing is that he must never get close to the girl"

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