Chapter 22

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Andy, Robert and Camilla had lunch together and happy while the little girl told what she had done in kindergarten and as soon as she finished eating she asked to call her grandmother. Robert picked up the phone, started the video call and as soon as Ingrid answered the girl with her phone she went to her room.

Robert: "I was forgetting an important thing"

Andy: "What?"

Robert: "I have to find the soft toys for Cami. I told my mother that I would take them for her, otherwise it would take forever to arrive"

Andy: "But she already has so many soft toys, you don't need more"

Robert: "I know, but if he doesn't have them, you'll tell my mother. You better start preparing yourself because my mother will spoil her a lot and we can't do anything about it"

Andy: "I know. Do you remember all the ones she asked for?"

Robert: "I think so. If I remember correctly they were a penguin, a rabbit, a panda, a koala and.. I don't remember the last one"

Andy: "A giraffe"

Robert: "Thanks. I start looking for them or do you want me to help you in the kitchen sort everything out first?"

Andy: "I'll do not worry"

While Andy was fixing the kitchen, Robert took his pc and started looking for soft toys for the baby. As soon as Robert found everything he was looking for he went to Cami who was still talking to his grandmother.

Robert: "How about you say hello to Grandma now?"

Camilla: "But I still have to tell you so many things"

Ingrid: "Grandma's love, let's tell me something every day so you can call me every day, okay?"

Camilla: "Okay. Were you able to find all the soft toys?"

Robert who was behind the little girl nodded to him yes.

Ingrid: "Of course I found them all, they will arrive very soon"

Camilla: "You live far away, how do they get there early?"

Ingrid: "Your grandmother has super powers for her granddaughter"

Camilla: "Really? Wow" the little girl was amazed.

Ingrid: "It's all true" she said smiling.

Camilla: "I'll leave the phone to dad now. I'll call you tomorrow too"

Ingrid: "Talk to you tomorrow"

Camilla blew her a kiss and then handed the phone to Robert as she went to her mother. Robert and Ingrid talked for a while and then Robert joined his girls. That afternoon they decided to spend it watching cartoons and playing everything the little girl asked for. Andy kept telling Robert that he was spoiling her a lot like that, but he couldn't do anything about it. Camilla gave him sweet eyes and he couldn't say no. After dinner they put the baby to bed and went to sleep too. The next morning Andy got up first to get Cami ready for kindergarten and while they were having breakfast, Robert joined them. Pruitt has picked up the baby and Andy and Robert are left alone.

Andy: "Shall I go get changed and let's start your cooking class?"

Robert: "You can stay dressed like that too, you'll have to put an apron over it"

Andy: "You'll like what I'm wearing.."

Andy ran to the bedroom to change, leaving Robert sitting at the kitchen table. Andy had donned a sexy lingerie set and in no time she was back at Robert.

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