Chapter 75

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It was three days before the expected date of childbirth, but one morning while he was having breakfast he felt something dripping down his legs and realized that her waters had broken and Alexander was ready to be born.

Andy: "Robert.."

Robert: "Do you need something?"

Andy: "Yeah, I need you to take me to the hospital now. The baby is about to be born"

Robert: "Now? Has the time really come?" he asked panicking.

Andy: "Yes, that time has come and.. stop panicking and take me to the hospital"

Robert: "Oh, yeah, sure, sorry" he said as he walked over to Andy to help her get into the car.

Andy: "You have to call Carina and tell our parents"

Robert: "When? Now?"

Andy: "Of course now" she said as she got into the car.

Robert: "Ok, ok. First I call Carina and then as soon as we get to the hospital I call my mother"

Before leaving, Robert called Carina to warn her that Andy had broken water and that they were on their way to the hospital. Carina told Robert that she was already in the hospital and in the meantime she was preparing a private room for Andy. Andy had started having contractions and they were very painful.

Andy: "Please drive faster"

Robert: "I won't, I won't endanger your life just to gain a few minutes"

Andy: "Then do something to distract me"

Robert: "To distract yourself you could call our parents, it doesn't take long to get to the hospital"

Andy: "Ok"

Andy picked up Robert's phone and dialed his father's number. Pruitt responded almost immediately and Andy told him they were going to the hospital. At that point Pruitt put the speakerphone so Ingrid could hear too and they told Andy they would join them at the hospital. When Pruitt and Ingrid had received the call from Andy, they were having breakfast at the bar because they had recently left Camilla in kindergarten. After a few minutes Andy and Robert arrived at the hospital and Carina was outside waiting for them with a wheelchair for Andy. Two interns helped Andy sit in the wheelchair while Robert took Andy's things. Carina took Andy to her private room and put her on the bed in order to check on her.

Carina: "It will take some more time, you only expand a few centimeters"

Andy: "And I guess the contractions will hurt more and more, right?"

Carina: "Exactly and they will also be much more frequent"

Andy: "Is it too late to ask for a caesarean?"

Carina: "At this point it is not recommended, but soon we could have an epidural so the pain will ease a little"

Andy: "Well.. this is great"

Carina: "I have to go and check on other patients, but as soon as I'm done I'll come back to you"

Robert: "My mother and Pruitt are on their way, can they come in here or do they have to wait outside?"

Carina: "Generally they should wait outside, but I'll make an exception for you" Robert nodded. "But when the time comes for the baby to be born, they'll have to wait outside, okay?"

Robert: "Ok, thanks"

Carina left the room leaving Andy and Robert alone. Robert sat next to Andy and tried to distract her so that she would focus on other things and not on the pain of the contractions. Carina had advised Andy to walk around the room or sit on the big ball and swing back and forth to encourage dilation and Andy tried to follow her directions. After about half an hour, Ingrid and Pruitt arrived and they asked if they needed anything.

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