Chapter 106

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Robert had taken Andy for a walk in the park and when Robert got a text from Luke, he took Andy back home. Andy never suspected anything and when she went into the house and saw what they had done, she was very surprised and moved. The living room of their house was filled with pink balloons and balloon-shaped balloons and there were also stuffed animals and many gifts for the upcoming baby girl. Andy didn't expect all of this and was very happy to see all that her family had done for her.

Andy: "Wow, everything is beautiful, thank you" she said as the tears continued to flow down her face and Camilla brought a handkerchief to her mother. "Thank you princess" she said with a big smile.

Camilla: "Do you like what we did? I helped too" she said proud of herself.

Andy: "I really like it and it shows that you helped them, otherwise there would have been nothing pink, but it would have been all about football" Camilla laughed.

Camilla: "It's true" she replied taking her mother's hand. "Come so you see everything right" she said as she led her mother near where her presents had been placed and Robert followed.

Camilla showed her mom everything they had done and Andy loved every little detail. Camilla then went to play with her cousins and her little brother while Andy thanked everyone. There were many presents for the little girl and everyone wanted Andy to start opening them, but she was just hungry at the time so Robert got her something to eat. As Andy ate, the little girl started kicking very hard and Andy winced in pain. Robert put his hands on Andy's belly stroking the part where their little girl was kicking and she calmed down.

Ben: "It must have hurt you enough"

Andy: "It's like that every time" she replied with a sigh.

Robert: "And that's why I'm sure you'll like playing football" they all laughed. "And speaking of that.." he took a present and handed it to Andy. "This is for our little soccer player" he said as Andy opened the gift.

Inside there was a onesie where a uniform was printed like football players and the girl's surname was written on the back. Andy knew very well that sooner or later Robert would buy something similar and she was very happy about it.

Andy: "It's a very nice onesie" she said to her husband. "I love you"

Robert: "I love you too" he replied giving her a kiss.

As Camilla approached her parents, Andy began opening presents while Robert held Alexander. Among the gifts there were many games, but also many very nice onesies. Travis had enjoyed shopping a lot and bought everything he liked. In addition to these things there were also many more useful things such as a large supply of diapers and everything that would be needed for the baby. In the kitchen, however, there was also a special basket with things inside just for Andy and Robert. Vic and Maya had left it there because there was something inside the kids were better off not seeing.

Camilla: "There is still a special gift for my little sister, but.." she approached her mother to tell her something in a very low voice so that no one heard what she was about to say. "but my little sister's name is written on that gift. Is it okay for you if others find out today?"

Andy: "Fine for me. Is dad okay?"

Camilla: "Yes, he helped me make this gift"

Andy: "Ok, I'll open it then" Camilla nodded.

Andy took the pink box where the special gift was inside. When Andy opened the box, he grinned and took out the contents. Inside that box was a teddy bear wearing a T-shirt with the girl's name written on it. One afternoon Robert went out with his children and after buying that special onesie, he helped Camilla with the special gift for her little sister. Camilla and Alexander had chosen the teddy bear and then the sales assistant had her little sister's name written on a sheet of paper which was then printed on the teddy bear's shirt. Camilla was very happy that her name would be written by her and she remembered the day when together with her father they wrote Alexander's name on the wall.

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