Chapter 36

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Andy was sitting on the bed when she read the message that had been sent to her by Michelle and she was worried. Robert, after putting Camilla to sleep, joined Andy.

Robert: "Hey, are you okay?"

Andy: "No"

Robert: "What happened?"

Andy: "Read" and handed her phone to Robert.

Michelle: "Andy.. we need to talk about Ryan. It is something very serious and we cannot speak on the phone. In a few days I'll be in Seattle and we'll talk"

Andy: "I'm scared Robert. What if he wants to meet Cami and take her away from me?"

Robert: "Nothing will happen, I promise you. Nobody will take our little girl from us"

Andy: "I hate that it still takes so long for her to be legally yours"

Robert: "We did everything that needed to be done, these things take a long time"

Andy: "Maybe Michelle since she is a lawyer she could help us speed things up a bit"

Robert: "When he gets here you will tell him about it. Now try to think of something else"

Andy: "Ok. I can't wait to see Cami's reaction when she sees Ingrid"

Robert: "It will surely be a nice surprise"

Andy: "Rex will be there too. And for the record.. one dog is more than enough, don't be persuaded to take another"

Robert: "But wouldn't it be nice to have two? There is so much space.."

Andy: "Are you serious?" Robert nodded. "Maybe someday, but not now.. now you could do something else.." she said in a very mischievous tone.

Robert: "And what should I do?" he replied as he kissed Andy's bare shoulder.

Andy: "You can do anything you want" she said as little moans of pleasure came out of his mouth as Robert had passed by to kiss her neck.

While Robert continued to kiss Andy on the neck, he pulled down the straps of her petticoat with his hands and when the garment slipped along her body, Robert noticed that she was wearing nothing else. Andy lay down on the bed while Robert undressed and then got on top of her. Continuing to kiss, Robert caressed Andy's body with one hand going down to her sensitive point and felt how wet she was already and ready for him. Slowly and softly Robert slipped inside her and began to move very slowly. As Robert moved faster and faster, Andy had his hands on Robert's back and was moving them up and down with each thrust of him. They both moaned and enjoyed that moment and then Andy screaming Robert's name let himself go to his pleasure. Robert slowed down the pace a bit and reversed positions and now Andy was on top of Robert. Andy was still panting from the orgasm she had just had, he intertwined her hands with Robert's, bringing them over their heads and began to move. Andy moaned in Robert's ear, he moaned in her ear and after a while they both let themselves go to their orgasm. Andy then lay down next to Robert and he held her in a hug.

Andy: "I'm hungry"

Robert: "Really?"

Andy: "Yes. I want a piece of chocolate and mint"

Robert: "And do we have any somewhere?"

Andy: "Of course there is! She is well hidden in the second shelf of the kitchen cabinet where we keep the pasta"

Robert: "Did you really hide it? It's such a strange taste that I would never eat it and neither would Cami"

Andy: "Yes, I hid it because.. I don't know why, but lately it relaxes me to eat a piece of that chocolate"

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