Chapter 128

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They had all just gone to sleep when Robert's phone started ringing. As soon as Robert saw that it was Nicolas calling, he became concerned and answered immediately.

Robert: "Hey, what's going on?"

Nicolas: "Could you come and get me? My mother kicked me out of the house and I don't know where to go" he said as he cried.

Robert: "I'll be there in a few minutes" he replied as she got out of bed so he could get dressed quickly.

Andy: "What's going on?"

Robert: "Nico got kicked out of the house, I don't know what happened, but he was crying and he asked me if I could go get him"

Andy: "Poor boy. Go quickly to him, in the meantime I'll wake up Cami"

Robert: "No, wait to wake her up. First we have to talk to Nico to understand what happened" Andy nodded. "I'll be back soon" he said giving his wife a kiss before leaving the house.

As Robert drove to Nicolas' house, Andy put on a robe and then went downstairs to wait for Robert and Nicolas. As soon as Robert arrived at Nicolas' house, she saw the boy who was hugging Pongo and next to them there were two suitcases with some of Nicolas' things inside. Robert got out of the car, approached Nicolas and noticed that he had small wounds on his face.

Robert: "What happened?" he asked as he checked his wounds.

Nicolas: "Nothing" he replied as he looked towards the window of the house where his mother and her partner were looking out.

Robert: "Ok, let's go home" he said realizing the people looking out the window. "Get into the car with Pongo, I'll take care of the suitcases" Nicolas nodded and did as Robert had told him.

It didn't take long for Robert and Nicolas to arrive at the house and as soon as they arrived, Andy ushered Nicolas into the living room and then helped Robert get the boy's things. As soon as Pongo entered the house, he went to Samantha's room and went to sleep next to the girl's bed while Andy carried Nicolas' two suitcases upstairs. Andy thought it best if Nicolas talked to Robert alone so she sat on the stairs so that neither Robert nor Nicolas could see her. Robert, before speaking with Nicolas, took the disinfectant and the cotton so that he could disinfect those small wounds.

Robert: "How did you get these wounds?"

Nicolas: "It was my mother. We had a fight because I told her that when school is over I want to enter the academy to become a firefighter. She wasn't happy about it because she said it wasn't a real job and I wouldn't make much money. She wanted me to go to college so that I could get a real job and then work at Kevin's company. At this point I believe she is only dating him for the money" he said in a very sad tone of voice. "When she saw a photo I had on my desk where you, Andy, Sammy and Alex were also present, my mother freaked out and threw that picture against the wall and the pieces of the frame hit me in the face. Kevin tried to calm her down, but when he saw that she couldn't, he started to side with her and then they decided to kick me out of the house because I didn't want to do what they wanted. As I was leaving the house she told me that if I left that house, I would no longer be her child"

Robert: "I'm really sorry for what happened" he said hugging Nicolas. "Are you really sure you don't want to go to college?"

Nicolas: "I'm sure. I don't want to do a job just to earn money, I want to do a job where I can help people" Robert smiled. "Can I stay here for a while? From tomorrow I will start looking for a summer job in order to contribute to the expenses and then as soon as I have earned a little, I will be able to look for a small place to stay"

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